Lately I have had to try real hard to motivate myself to run.
Do not get me wrong- I will gladly run 3 miles 4-5 times a week.
But.... anything beyond that I am having to bribe myself.
Monday I told myself if I ran 5 miles then I could take an afternoon Nap- it worked.
Thursday I told myself if I ran more than 3 miles (ran during my lunch break at work so did not have so much time) I could relax Thursday night with painting my nails.
I know- this is absurd.
I am a grown woman.
I should not have to BRIBE MYSELF!
This is for my health we are talking about!
But I am just not motivated lately.
I get running and then I start to think about all the things I need to get done- Refinancing, Taxes, Birthday gifts for so-so, schedule changes at work, etc.
So while ready my book of the week
100 Habits of Happy People
One of the habits was:
Think about only 1 thing when falling asleep.
This totally makes sense about sleeping.
So while in bed last night- I thought (while I was trying to fall asleep) on how I am going to use this habit towards running- 1 thought and that is it!
We will see how it works this week and will let you know.