Late again but the holidays decided to get in the way.
Over a week ago I had my 28+ week appointment.
Life so far in the third trimester has been a piece of cake!
At my appointment I did my glucose test which to be honest I was dreading just because I had been craving so much fruit which has natural sugars in it that I thought for sure I was going to be diabetic. So I got there at 1pm to drink my orange drink which to be honest was not bad at all....
Hello Sunkist- It was almost like a treat!
I then waited for an hour and had my blood drawn and rhogam given because my blood type is negative. A shot in the butt- nothing says Happy Holidays more!
My 28 week appointment itself was uneventful.
Blood pressure is good.
Up 6 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight so now Joe can get off my back.
Measuring 27 weeks via fundal height- a little small but as my midwife pointed out-
"You are small!" Thanks for the obvious statement there.
Fetal heart Rate 150s
I did find it funny when she was listen to your heartbeat bug that she commented on how strong my abdominal muscles where and why that is probably why I am not showing more. I came back with "Well that is what happens when you throw up for 4 months straight!" Which got both a chuckle out of her and the nurse.
The rest of the visit was pretty normal.
Their discussion points I had already pretty much figured out.
At a 28 week visit they discuss
1) Peditricians- Check already done!
2) Circumcision- Check already discussed
3) Probiotics to help decrease chance of GBS- Check already purchases and have been taking daily
4) Cord blood banking- no thank you- I am not a believer in this!
Now that we are in the third trimester they want us to come in every 2 weeks- this is craziness.
So fortunately I asked the midwife if she would be ok if I made it ever 3-4 since I live in Fairfax with the knowledge that I would call if I had any problems. They were very agreeable to this which made me very happy! So our next appointment will be in three weeks from our last or two weeks from now.
I got a call a couple days later from my midwife letting me know that I passed my glucose test with flying color- WAHOO!!!
Some notes about the third trimester so far:
For the most part I really have no complaints.
I find that I am still having a hard time eating full meals and have accepted that from now on I am just going to snack when I am hungry and not eat when I am not. (Again poor Joe who will be eating dinners by himself.) The meat aversion still continues as well as my cravings for fruits.
I am becoming a master sleeper.
I can sleep anywhere- the car, the couch, and I can sleep 12+ hours a day if I have the time. The nap has become my favorite thing to do.
Pregnancy clothes- well it happed.
At 27 1/2 weeks I broke out the Maternity Jeans and the other maternity clothes that I have. I have only purchased a couple things which I am hoping will get me thru the pregnancy. Maternity clothes shopping can be very frustrating- I went into find a long white t-shirt that I could wear as an undershirt or with my sweaters and basically nothing fit because I am so short! Fortunately I think I am going to try Target after the holiday craziness has stopped.
Bug- Clemson I think offically knows that you are coming.
I went looking for all of his toys two weeks ago and found it funny that he had brought them all up stairs to your room. So I moved his dog bed in there and his toy bin.
Your room is now his favorite place to sit.
So cute!!!
Joe has started talking to you at night and whenever he goes to feel you move, of course you stop moving. This totally makes me laugh!
We are slowly getting your nursery put together - more to come on that later.