Saturday, December 15, 2012

Trial Run

The last two weeks have not been my week....

I caught a really really bad head cold that started on Monday.  
I tried to fight it all week but no luck.  
Thursday after multiple nurses and doctors in L/D telling me I looked like death- I came home early and took a sick day for Friday.  
Friday consisted of bed, couch, and more bed. 
Chicken noodle soup and Orange juice were pretty much what i lived off of from Thursday till Saturday.   
Saturday I was feeling a little better but still not great so I decided to just take it easy and take Clemson for a walk just because I needed to get out of the house. 
Clemson came running down the stairs and took me out while I was on the stairs.  
Yes- he took me out- legs when flying and I went tumbling down the stairs.  

It hurt like crap and of course I screamed out.  
Normally I would just take it easy but of course be pregnant- I know the risk of falls.
Placenta abruption, fetal death, bleeding, etc-  
So Joe helped me up and I went and sat on the couch for a while, 
while I thought Joe was going to kill Clemson.  
This was actually kind of humorous because Clemson had no idea what he did and as soon as I fell he wanted nothing but to give me kisses and sit next to me.  

So I laid down and just could not feel him move at all- which is weird because he is a mover.  
I started having a little cramping which was nothing compared to the back pain.  
Being a midwife, I knew that I should call my practice and they were going to tell me to come in.  
Fortuatnely the midwife I have been seeing for most of my visits was on and she wanted me to come in to be on the safe side.  

This part was a little commical because while I was totally being Zen Pregnant Laura.....
Joe was being Crazy Pregnant Joe. 
 If fact at one point- I asked him to stop stressing because he was stressing me out.  

Of course we get to triage in the hospital and he starts moving like crazy, so much that it took two nurses and me holding the monitor to keep him on.  After about 1 1/2 hours of monitoring, everything looked good and the midwife offerred for me to go home.  
Of course I jumped at the chance to go home.  
They advised that I will be sore for the next couple days because of the fall- which I am, and that I should still monitor for kick counts, preterm labor signs and symptoms and bleeding- which thankfully have all been normal.  

While this is not how either of us wanted to spend out Saturday afternoons,
it was good to have a trial run with the hospital for Joe's sake more than mine!
He now knows where to park, where to go, what to expect, etc....

Monday, December 10, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

It has been come a joke around our house...

All I want for Christmas is ....

A Crib!

After having such a hard time with the crib as previously blogged about,
I was starting to think that come March we would be bring bug home to a pack n play. 
Which would be fine but I just totally did not want to deal with a crib AND a new baby at the same time if could be avoided.  

So I was so excited when I got a call last Sunday to arrange dropping off the crib and dresser.
It only took 2 weeks to come in- Christmas Miracle!

It came this Friday....

So excited....

So thank you to my parents, Joe's parents and Joe for getting me the best Christmas gifts ever!

Now we can work on the rest of the room....