Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finishing Our House Goals

Earlier this year, you might remember when I blogged about our "House Goals" for the year.  
This is something I have done for the past two years and I truely love this idea.
It helps prioritize what needs to be done but also spreads your projects out financially.  
Well it is now the middle of November and happy to announce that we completed all of our 
house goals for 2012 with some additions.  

You May remember...
We paid someone to install it because our doorway was not standard and this was not a project I was willing to let Joe take on.  
Cost of door and installation- $500
Completed in February 2012 in around 2 hours
2) Painting the house
We again decided to pay someone to do this.  After finding out we were pregnant, this added another huge room.  Joe was totally against paying someone but after getting an estimate from someone who did work on our neighbors house- we were sold.  
We ended up having the entry way, that downstairs living room, the stair way on the main level and the upper level, the hallway upstairs and the nursery upstairs painted.  

3) Move the bushes out front to the side of our house and use that area for flowerbeds.
Done is less than a couple hours with the help of hubby.  
Done in March/April

4) Moving furniture into the house
As you recall- Joe's parents moved out of their house and down to Florida. 
We inherited some furniture.  
The big item was a chest which is now going to go in the nursery to store stuff.
Fortunately, Joe's parents moved this for us since it was big and heavy.  

This was our May/June project.  
After looking at a couple places we went with CarpetLand because they were the cheapest and also the least pushy when it came to sales.  
Total cost:  $750 for the two large rooms.  
This was a 2 month project because I did it gradually.  
Originally this was going to be my winter project but quickly became my first trimester project once I found out that we were pregnant.  
We moved furniture down from the old guest room and got rid of furniture that we no longer had a use for.  
We painted the room.  
Got new linens, hung curtains, etc.  
The total cost of the room remodel was less than $450 which included everything from the dresser, to the paint, to the bed frame purchased on Craigslist, to the all the linens/curtains.  

7) Attic
Joe completed this task over the holidays last year! 
Money:  Less than $100 for floorboards
Time:  5 hours total 
I am so thankful to have all this extra storage area now!
Especially with a little one on the way.
 All the projects this year are considered minor considering in
2010 we redid the kitchen and in 2011 we did the patio and all the bathrooms.
All in all I am happy with the fact that we completed every task that we set out to do.  

Now a new task has been added to our list...
 The Nursery.
Fortunately we have a lot of time to get this done. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Paint- Done

The nursery is officially painted!!!

Now I just have to order the furniture if it ever comes into stock!

Leave it to me to pick the one that is back ordered!

We went with Ashes in Behr Paint!
I totally love it especially with the white crib we have picked out and the yellow accents that will be coming!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Why you do not take your husband to HomeGoods

For the most part I have learned to shop without Joe,
 because it is painful.
He wants to go in get what we need and get out, which some times is great but sometimes this does not work and he gets frustrated so easily.  So I was dreading taking him to HomeGoods with me to pick out a mirror for bug's room.  
We are going to put a mirror over the dresser/changing table to add to the room.  
I needed his help to carry it to the car because it was too heavy for me.  

So we walked in to HomeGoods and found the mirror, 
the next thing I knew my husband had in his hands a life size Portuguese Water Dog Stuff Animal.  
I looked at him with the "You have to be kidding me" face.  
But then he presented- "Well you get a mirror, I should get to pick out this for the nursery!"

I decided this was a pointless battle primarily because it was cheap.  
So we brought it home and placed it next to Clemson.  

For the most part it is spot on.  
It was humorous because Clemson at first thought it was a really dog and he wanted to play with it.  
So this will be also a decoration in bug's room.  

Thank you HomeGoods!