Saturday, May 14, 2011

Running thru life... A nice surprise

As a military bratt I moved a lot growing up,  had periods when my dad was not around for months at time due to deployments, had to change schools, friends, etc.  However, being a military bratt has its "surprises." 

I had been looking at tickets to the Manchester United vs Barcelona game which will be playing in Maryland in July as a way to surprise Joe since he has had such a yucky semester with school.  He loves soccer and these are two of the best club teams right now in the world- so it should be an amazing game.

I started looking and got very frustrated because all the cheap tickets were sold out, the moderate priced tickets which were ridiculously expensive were still available, and the expensive tickets which were out of our budget were available.  I could not justify spending $600 dollars on soccer tickets.
So I was ready to just give up...

Then at work I received an email stating they had Manchester United vs. Barcelona tickets available at a reduced military price.  I quickly emailed my dad (who works where I work) just as a joke. 
He responded and said he was going down to get 5 tickets.   I let out a laugh... (I was on the labor deck and could not leave). 
He emailed me 10 minutes later stating that he had 5 tickets in his hand (one for me, one for Joe, one for my brother, one for him, and one for my mom). 
My family is a little soccer crazy!!!
We ended up getting that tickets at 60% off face value and we have amazing seats!!!!! 
I am so excited and hope to have a great time.. 
The best part is Europe is coming to us instead of us having to go there...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Running thru life... I heart Google Calendar

I am the social secretary for our house. 
In fact people do not even email Joe anymore or call him to arrange things because they know he will just ask me. (which is fine)
Being a social secretary can sometimes get over whelming... dinners with A,  denist appointment, Vet appointment,  Lunch with C, etc.
A friend recommended I look more into the Google Calendar.
I started to use Google calendar on my droid to help me schedule our life- and I heart it!!! 
Because Joe really does not have access because of work-  I have the ability to print him off one. 

I heart google calendar for so many reasons
1) It is easy to use via droid or internet
2) My husband can access it on his droid
3) It is always with me which I found is so important
4) I am able to put anything and everything in it. 
5) It keeps me organized and avoids me from double bookings. 
6) It reminds me a day in advance of everything going on the next day.  I set it to do this because it helps me with all the craziness that goes on with my job and life. 

So every year when May hits I know I have to sit down and plan our lives for the next two months. 
With in those two months we have
2 monther's days,
a father's birthday,
memorial day weekend,
my birthday,
friends coming in to town,
2 father's day,
sister-in-laws birthday,
a baby shower,
and fourth of July weekend plans.
We are booked every weekend with something!!!!! Crazy!!

However, with the help of my Google Calendar we are not over booked and it was easy to update. 
I heart Goggle Calendar!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Running thru life... Managing a dog on a budget

Dogs are expensive!!
That being said I am totally one of those people that would do anything for Clemson. 
By the time you add the yearly vet bills, monthly medications, food, and for Clemson- grooming. 

Clemson has hair not fur so he does not shed-
which was a must when my hubby and I were considering a dog.
Because Clemson does not shed we have to have him groomed. 

We have had him for 1 1/2 year now and he has been groomed 4 times total.  
However, grooming is expensive!!! 
The first two times we had him groomed at Barks and Bubbles by our house the bill was close to $90. 
This is almost more than I pay to have my hair cut and highlighted!!!!! 
I was unhappy with their service (because the did not clean his ears which we specifically asked for).
So on a friend's recommendation we took him to Petsmart for his next two grooming experiences. 
They actually did an awesome job!!! 
To have him washed, groomed, nails filed, and his ears cleaned out it cost us $75.

However, we know that we are going to have to get him groomed more often this summer just because it is going to be so hot!  The couple hot days we had already he was dying laying on the floor and not sleeping at night because he was so hot.  He goes a long time in the winter (5+ months without needing to be groomed) but that will not be the case for this summer.

Last night I borrowed our neighbor's dog clippers.
I then proceeded with my hubbys to try to Clemson a "grooming" at home.
It was a success. 
It was a messy process but Clemson actually did quite well. 
The trick was having treats in hand. 
Joe helped hold Clemson while I did the shaving and the cutting. 
As I said it was a messy process and I am glad we did it on our driveway and not inside the house. 
It only took us about 30 minutes total which is not too time consuming. 

I will have to take him up to get him nails filed this weekend
because I am not comfortable with that- it is only $5-10. 
Alot better than $75-90.

Now that he is getting older he will need a haircut in theory every 3 months (he can make it 5 in the winter but may need it every 2 in the summer because of the heat). 
75$ x 4 times a year = 300. 
The price of the clippers at Amazon is 135. 
It will pay for itself after 1.8 uses. 
We also have two gift cards to Amazon which means we will get it for free... which rocks. 


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Running thru life.. Happy Nurses Week

Happy Nurse's Week!!!

For anyone who is a nurse, 
has a spouse who is a nurse,
or a family member of a nurse.
Happy Nurse's Week!
Thank you for either being a nurse or supporting one. 

It is amazing how much a nurse does...
she is not only a nurse,
she is a dietician,
a interior decorator,
a social worker,
a therapist.... I could go on and on. 

It is kind of ironic that this very week- 7 years ago I was walking across Clemson's stage to recieve my BSN.  Being a nurse has been a wonderful experience filled was so many patients and so many blessings. 

I have included a prayer that a patient gave me earlier this year after I helped her with the delivery of her son.   She too is a nurse (which made this even more special for me). 

Happy Nurses Day!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Running thru life....A cool gift for Mother Day

My mother in law's big birthday was 2 months ago... how old you might ask?
A true woman never reveals her age.

Anyways, Joe, his sister, and I wanted to get her something nice to celebrate the occasion. 
However, this was kind of difficult since they will be moving in 1 year down to Florida to retire so they do not want any new stuff for the house, and she really did not need anything.

A light bulb went on in my head.

Lets start her a charm bracelet. 
This way we can add to it over the years
and it is something that she can wear and think of us when they move to Florida. 

I did some looking in to charm bracelets and decided to go with Pandora primarily because it is sold in 2423 stores in the US, and you can always order on line as gift.  This way no matter where everyone is it is something we can find. 

So for her birthday we purchased the bracelet to start the collection. 
We opted to go with a sterling silver one. 

Then we each pick out a charm that had our birthstone in it. 
Mine is seen below- Pearl for June!!!

For mother's day yesterday, we gave her another charm with flowers on it. 
This is a cute Mother's day tradition to start. 
One that I might actually start with my mother at some point.  She has a charm bracelet that my dad started for her when you had us but it is outdated and difficult to find charm to place on it because it was designed in a small jewelry store. 
Good things to keep in the back of your head for next year

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Running thru life... Patio 6

Patio furniture is here!!

I had my eyes on a set at Target but it was just too big for our small area where we wanted to put that patio.  
So my hubby and I were just thinking about getting two chairs and a table from the same set at Target.  However, the two chairs are not offered in the stores and it does not qualify for free shipping so while both chairs were only $300 when you added shipping and tax it was close to $450.  That was just too much for two chairs (we were also thinking about eventually getting a side table and an ottoman).

I was very upset when I discovered this.  
So I got on my computer last night with Joe on a mission to find something. 
Most importantly because Joe has some time this weekend to help me get it and put it together.  

I checked Target.... nothing
I checked Home Depot... nothing
I checked WorldMarket... nothing
I check Lowes... nothing
I checked Walmart (which should tell you how desparate I was).... nothing
Then something told me to check Bed, Bath, and Beyond... Success

BBB had a set comprised of two wicker chairs (cushions included), two ottomans, and a table.  
 It was 399.  However, I had a 20% coupon which made the total $around 320.  
Joe and I had two Bed Bath and Beyond gift cards we have been saving one since last summer and one since the holiday totally 100 so we owed about 220... 240+ after tax.  Not too bad!
(Especially considering the Target chairs, ottoman, and table would have cost us $600+).

  After about 1 hr of Joe assembly, here is the finished project.  I will have to find some decorative pilliows.  
Joe and I are very happy with the results.   =0)
We broke them in last night with my little bro and his girlfriend.