Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thank you Captain Adorable....

The last couple nights have well... sucked!
Collin had been a good sleeper really since night 2- night 1 was terrible because well he was hungry!
I would be cranky too if I was hungry but starting on night two he slept till about 1 am and then again till 5 am and so the trend started.  
Going down at 8 pm and sleeping till 1-3 am and then eating and going back to bed until about 4:30-7 am.  
Joe and I have been spoiled and we knew it!  

Then last friday the craziness started-  
Down at 8- waking up at 11,  2, 5, etc...
This continued on Saturday and Sunday night.
Monday night was a little better sleeping until 12 and then 3 and then 6- 
Seriously I was worried something was wrong with him.  
He was fussy and just not himself.  
I felt for parents who do this every night!

Joe and I decided a couple things
1) He is having a growth spirt- he is 7 weeks today so the timing was perfect
2) He is having more gas- we are working on improving this by putting him in certain positions to help him pass it.  
3) We changed him from the swaddle to the sleep sack swaddle- big mistake!

Joe came home a little early yesterday from work which was much appreciated and we regrouped.
We gave him his 7:30 bottle and but him down by 8 pm.
We swaddled him as a little burrito!

So when I heard him start to cry at 2:30 am.... I almost started to cry... because I had gone almost 7 hours without pumping....OUCH!   We fed him put him back to bed and he slept till 7 am at which point Joe went into work, I fed him and hoped on the treadmill after putting him back for a little nap.  

This morning when I went in to check on him after running, showering, etc he was awake in his crib just making noises and so happy.  I actually called Joe and put him on speaker phone because he was so freaking adorable.  I decided to continue the trend of the day by putting him in his Captain Adorable outfit.  

Which just shows you even a baby needs a good night sleep....