I had my 34 week visit today and I promised I would sit down and write about it today since it is cold and rainy and have no desire to go outside. Today was a pretty basic visit beside for the ice on the sidewalks.
Fetal Heart Rate 140
Fundal Height 32.5 cm.
(Still measuring small but I am not really worried and neither is my midwife).
Small Mom= Small Baby
Weight- total weight gain 12 pounds- Perfect.
Position- still head down.
Neither my midwife or I could tell where he back in so I am worried he is in the OP postion which means facing up. This means I guess I am going to have to start doing knee chest exercises to help him turn.
My blood pressure was AMAZING!!!
My midwife of course asked if I had any complaints- which I answered no and she stated I was her favorite patient of the day.
Apparently she was not having a good day.
We talked about the following:
1) Starting my probiotics to help prevent GBS.
I actually already started this after my last visit.
At my next visit they will do the screening for GBS.
2) Cord Blood Banking
Joe and I have decided to donate Bug's cord blood.
While I totally do not believe in paying to bank your cord blood unless you have a child with Leukemia or something along those lines, I totally believe in donating.
Off of a co-workers recommendation I found Carolina's Cord Banking which is coordination with Duke Hospital Center which is a public banking system which means people with sick children can use the blood if need be or they will use it for leukemia research. Carolina's Cord Banking send you the package and everything so there is no cost to you.
3) Baby Position
He is head down but right now OP- which he totally has enough room to move but I will be adding Knee Chest Exercises in to my daily routine along with my daily meditation.
4) Birth Preferences
The practice I go to have a birth preference sheet they have everyone fill out which has your wishes such as the dad cutting the cord, circumcision, breastfeeding, etc.
So I filled mine out today so it could be placed on the chart.
My next visit will be in 2 weeks and will be my 36 week visit.
Crazy that in hopefully 6 weeks you will be here bug!