Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Groupon #3

 I had another groupon
that I had been saving which expired the end of January 
so I decided to get some last photos of Collin.
After her turns 1,
I will probably only get pictures yearly. 

The Groupon was $15 dollars which included
a sitting fee
and 8 sheets of photos
at Picture People.

I have now use Picture People twice and
target once- 
Picture people wins hands down 
for a couple of reasons

1)You photos are ready in like 15 minutes
(Target you have to come back to pick them up 1-2 weeks later)
2) They have more background and props
3) Their photographers are much more helpful with suggestions.

Judging by the photos you would think Collin was having a ball
when in fact he was kind of difficult the whole time
but the photographer just did a great job.  

Monday, January 27, 2014


Right now it is 7:40pm.
I should be getting ready to pump so I can get to bed before a long day at work tomorrow.
But tonight- there is no pump.  

After a difficult week with the "lady friends" and pumping- 

It started last Monday.  
Collin woke me up crying at 0700 am, within two minutes of standing up I felt faint like I was going to pass out.  I could barely make it down stairs to heat his bottle up.  
I went back up stairs and let him hold his own bottle while I laid with him on the floor- 
Not one of my best moments.  
It was apparent to me that I could not even pick him up and my coloring was white as a piece of paper.  So I called Joe and told him that he had to come home from work.  
Joe came home and I got back into bed and woke feeling a little better but with this pain in my left breast.  I had a clogged duct!
I sent Joe back to work and I managed to take care of Collin for the rest of the day- 
Thank God he was an easy baby that day!  
He just keep bringing me books to read him.  

I did everything I could to help to clear the duct- massage, heat, showers, extra pumping (at this point I was only pumping twice a day) but Wednesday morning I felt worse and now had a big red mass on my breast-  Mastitis!!

I called my midwife and she prescribed an antibiotic which I started taking and continued to do all the listed above.  By Saturday I was starting to feel better and my breast was cleared up.  

Then Sunday I just felt like I had the chills all day- just thought I was over tired from work and Collin.  But today rolled around and again the same thing happened- this time it was my other breast- a clogged duct again.  I cried!  It was so painful- imagine someone taking a knife and stabbing you in the boob- that is what it feels like.  

I quickly texted my midwife friend and lactation consultant friend- 
they both said the same thing.  
I just need to be done- My body is done!
I agree- I am mentally there!  
Collin is 10 1/2 months and I still have enough breastmilk stored to get him to 1 year which was my end all goal.  

So tonight I placed my pump in the closet to put away with the other baby stuff and while I did I had a minute of sadness not because I am sad to not be pumping anymore but because this meant that Collin was indeed becoming my little man!  

Pumping has been a journey for me- 
A hard one.
One that I have faced some criticism along the way - "Well why don't you just breastfeed!"
I hated these comments....
But I just had to remind myself that pumping was breastfeeding.
I pumped for 10 1/2 months and for this I am proud of myself
and as we were having dinner tonight and I started to get a little teary eyed with my husband as I felt guilty about not making it to a year (even though I have enough milk)-
He told me he was proud of me too and that Collin thanks me every day!
Totally worth 10 1/2 months.

But now the question is what do I do with all that time I spend pumping....
Tonight it will be sleep!!

You may be asking- isn't not expressing your milk going to hurt more.
The answer is yes for 1-4 days.  
I am doing things to help-
1)Wearing two sports bras around the clock.
2) No stimulation which means no showers- I am bathing right now until my milk dries up.
3) Motrin and Tylenol- Alternating. 
4) Continuing my antibiotics.
5) Ice

I have been asked if we have another child what I will do next time,
and the truth is
- I do not know if there will be another child &
-I do not know what I will do next time!

So goodbye pump...
Nighty Nighy!