Joe and I were given ALOT of hand-me-down baby items or borrowed a decent amount of items.
I welcomed this as it was less stuff to get and also takes up less room to store after.
I thought I would take the time to tell you about everything we borrowed/hand me down and determine if I was glad we had these items or could do without.
We were given two hand-me-downs.
This month was the month I fell in love with our swing because it is the end all be all when it comes to making you quiet. It works better than anything else. So this is something that I am glad we have and am glad that we got it for free but this is something that I probably would have registered for if I had not gotten a hand-me-down.
This has been so nice to have especially to have upstairs so I can take showers or during dinner, etc. Again this is something that was free but would have probably registered for if I had needed to.
Baby bath tub with Swing
This is something we use almost every day- use Collin gets a bath almost everyday.
I love the tub we were given because it had an infant sling which we used till about 2 1/2 months and then transitioned to the baby part, it also has old baby part which will come in handy down the line.
I know there are alot of tubs out there but I love the one we have.
On Loan
Snap and Go Stroller
A lot of people thought is was interesting that I did not register for this or purchase it myself.
The reason being 1) We had two friends that offered to let us borrow it, and 2) When and if we have a second kid we may need a Snap and Go Double Stroller. This was not something I really wanted to store.
We are currently borrowing one from my friend who just had a baby but has an older child, and once he needs the exersaucer we will borrow another one from another friend. Again- this is something I am so glad we did not register or buy- they are big bulky and who knows if and when we have another kid if these will be safe, etc.
Collin is only 3 months so we have not used this a huge amount but so far I have been that impressed and am so glad I did not register this or purchase this- it is nice to borrow but totally could live without it if needed.
I did not see this as something we really needed to purchase and borrowing it has been nice but it has not rocked my world or Collin's.
Extra Poppy
This has been great!
Again not something I would think to purchase or even register for but I do love having an extra one. Basically we keep one in Collins room so I can feed him while I pump during the day and then one down in the living area to do tummy time on and for Joe to feed him at night before bed or on the weekends.
We have also borrowed some clothes, blankets, etc.
I am not picky when it comes to borrowing stuff because it means less stuff we have to purchase but also less stuff to store, and most likely if we do have another one we will still have friends to borrow stuff from. =0)