Saturday, June 15, 2013

Family Tree

 This is a great gift idea.
I actually got one of these for my mother and my grandmother over 10 years ago- WOW- long time!
Now that we have a family of our own, I wanted one and hinted at wanting one to my mom.
So for my birthday, I was so happy to see that my hints paid off.

The Hallmark Family Tree

 I decided to put it in the entry way so we can look at it as we come and go.  
Of course Collin is in the center.
I need to get some more picture pieces to add some more pictures.  
Totally love this idea!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cribs... take two

Collin is 3 months.
I have been waiting for this because it meant that hopes of more consistent naps schedules were on their way.  
So this last week I bit the bullet!
I want him to get use to taking his naps in his crib- 
not his car seat or swing- unless it is necessary.

I am lucky that Collin slept in his bed since the second night so I did not have to do any transition to his crib from our room.  Looking back this is one of the smartest decision we made and IF we ever have another child they will be sleeping in their crib from day one!

I had noticed in the last two weeks he has been become more consistent with his nap schedule. 
Small nap in the morning about 90 minutes after walking,
longer nap in the afternoon around 1-2 pm,
and then another small nap.  
The smaller naps last anywhere from 20-30 minutes and the longer naps 45in to 1 hr.  
So I started last thursday with having him take naps in his crib.

When he starts to get tired- ie fussy or rubbing his eyes, 
I have been taking him upstairs,
rocking him with his wubba (yes i know some people are against pacifiers but I am going to use it for at least a week or two until he is consistently taking naps in his crib) 
and singing a song to him.  
Once he start getting sleepy I put him in his crib and put his sleep sheep on.
I leave the room and so far he sleeps. 

Yes I am going back to work in a week and a half but Joe and my mom are going to be the ones watching them so my hopes are they will help me with this- he takes his naps in his crib routine.  
Once he goes to daycare in August I am hoping he will be taking more regular naps and am going to request that he takes his naps in a crib as he has a crib assigned to him.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Happy 3 Months!

This post is kind of bitter sweet because it means as you are growing my time with you at home is dwindling down.  Yes I am a little excited to go back to work but I also am nervous as every mom probably is because we you have been mine all mine for the last three months and now some one else aka- not me- has to take care of you!  You will be just fine and so will I but it will be interesting!

Your 2-3 months has been an interesting one as you have been all over the place with eating and sleeping.  Some nights you sleep 12 hours and some nights only 6, but for the most part you are sleeping 8-9.   I am not complaining at all but a little consistency would be great- especially since I am going back to work.    The last week you have started to become difficult to put to bed- I am hoping this is a phase that you are going thru but if not the Ferber Method will be started at 4 months!  
Hopefully this will not be needed but time will only tell.  
Your eating is also all over the place from any where from 32 ounces to 42 ounces- some days you are so hungry and then some days you are not that interested. I think you have discovered your tongue and love to play with your bottle which is cute but kind of annoying when we are trying to feed you.  
You are still a pretty happy baby- though we did have one of your worst days ever three days before your 3 month birthday.  You screamed and screamed- not fun!  I do not know how people with babies with Colic do it!  I think you were just tired and once I got you to take naps you were great the next day.  

You are starting to play more and use your hands- you can know hold your giraffe and your rattle and you love everything with colors and sounds.   You have discovered how to put your hand in your mouth and now that is your favorite thing to do- I especially like when you try to put both hands in your mouth.  
You love tummy time on your boppy with Scout.
You had your real first laugh this month.
You are rolling over more! Stomach to back- no back to stomach yet!
You constantly want to be standing obviously with our assistance.
You are looking around all the time now.  
You love your swing and so far hate the bumbo- maybe this will grow on you....
You are loving the exersaucer that is on loan

Weight  14 pounds 15 ounces (70%)
Height  25 1/2 inches (85%)- did not get this from me
Head-  16.5 inches  (50%)

New activies that you did this month
First trip to Costco
Your Baptism
Your 1st time meeting your Uncle G
Your 1st Mother's Day
Your first Roll over
Your 1st Bouncing Babies at the Library
Your first road trip to UVA
Your first Cidery
Your First Sleep Over with Granny and Grampy D
Your first time at the Pool
Mommy's Birthday

Things to come in the next Month-
Mommy going back to work

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Borrowing - In Review

Joe and I were given ALOT of hand-me-down baby items or borrowed a decent amount of items.
I welcomed this as it was less stuff to get and also takes up less room to store after.
I thought I would take the time to tell you about everything we borrowed/hand me down and determine if I was glad we had these items or could do without.


We were given two hand-me-downs. 
This month was the month I fell in love with our swing because it is the end all be all when it comes to making you quiet.  It works better than anything else.  So this is something that I am glad we have and am glad that we got it for free but this is something that I probably would have registered for if I had not gotten a hand-me-down.


This has been so nice to have especially to have upstairs so I can take showers or during dinner, etc.  Again this is something that was free but would have probably registered for if I had needed to.

Baby bath tub with Swing
This is something we use almost every day- use Collin gets a bath almost everyday.  
I love the tub we were given because it had an infant sling which we used till about 2 1/2 months and then transitioned to the baby part, it also has old baby part which will come in handy down the line.
I know there are alot of tubs out there but I love the one we have.  

On Loan

Snap and Go Stroller
A lot of people thought is was interesting that I did not register for this or purchase it myself.  
The reason being 1) We had two friends that offered to let us borrow it, and 2) When and if we have a second kid we may need a Snap and Go Double Stroller.  This was not something I really wanted to store.  

We are currently borrowing one from my friend who just had a baby but has an older child, and once he needs the exersaucer we will borrow another one from another friend.  Again- this is something I am so glad we did not register or buy- they are big bulky and who knows if and when we have another kid if these will be safe, etc.

Collin is only 3 months so we have not used this a huge amount but so far I have been that impressed and am so glad I did not register this or purchase this- it is nice to borrow but totally could live without it if needed. 

I did not see this as something we really needed to purchase and borrowing it has been nice but it has not rocked my world or Collin's.  

Extra Poppy
This has been great!  
Again not something I would think to purchase or even register for but I do love having an extra one.  Basically we keep one in Collins room so I can feed him while I pump during the day and then one down in the living area to do tummy time on and for Joe to feed him at night before bed or on the weekends. 

We have also borrowed some clothes, blankets, etc.  
I am not picky when it comes to borrowing stuff because it means less stuff we have to purchase but also less stuff to store, and most likely if we do have another one we will still have friends to borrow stuff from.  =0)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Right on cue...

I am a firm believer, you are given what you can handle in life.
That being said life has been crazy for us the last couple weeks-
not because of a baby but because of some other life stuff.  
Collin has been great- thank god!  
Anyways, Joe and I have been thru alot while we have been together,
both going to grad school and working full time while being states apart,
relocating to Virginia,
buying a house,
me having the worst job ever (not my current one but my old one),
bring home the best puppy every (the first year was more difficult than having a baby),
traveling the world,
having a baby
and having a husband in grad school again while working full time.  
Yes it sometimes is a lot and sometimes can be hard on a marriage and sometimes we do have the typical roles in a "typical marriage"- but we are happy and we are stronger than ever especially with Collin.  

So I had to smile when my parents gave us this gift for our anniversary because it was exactly what Joe and I needed to smile and have a good laugh- because as I have learned (from Joe) if you can't laugh at yourself then well... you can't survive life!

Thanks for being right on cue!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pool time...

Summer time means POOL TIME!
I was looking forward to this because it was something free I could do with Collin and it was also within a 1 minute drive or 5 minute walk and not time dependent like our mommy group is.  

OMG how things are different with a 3 month old.
I had been warned and expected our pool outings to be interesting.  
I have been three times so far with Collin
Once with a friend,
Once with Joe and once by myself.
The first time we went with a friend we just hung out in the baby pool.  
I placed him in the water a couple times and he tolerated it but it was cold.  
The second time I went I went with Joe which was much easier- 
the pool getting ready process is not as much fun with one person.  
You have to put him swim stuff on, suntan lotion and make sure you have everything you need.
The third time I went by myself and he cried the entire time, except for 15 minutes which he played with his toy.  

After the first time I made up a pool bag for him.
It has the pool passes with his suntan lotion,
a toy to use at the pool (a gift),
his pool towel (a gift), 
a extra sunhat (a gift),
a plastic bag with three regular diapers in it and a small pack of wipes.
In this bag I throw my phone, and a small drink in for me. 

I found a bathing suit by iplay which is actually great because it is a swim diaper and bathing suit bottom in one.  
I have another bathing suit that does not have the swim diaper built in, this was a gift along with another swim diaper by iplay so I have not really had to purchase much for him.  So far I have like the iplay apparel because it is easy, especially with a boy. 

I am hoping as the summer goes on and the water gets warmer he will start to love the pool as he loves his bath time.  
Happy Summer!