Thursday, March 6, 2014

Happy 1 YEAR!!!

YEAP!  We made it!
You are officially 1 today and the last 12 months have been 
an adventure.

You have gone from being in "blob" form to crawling, to cruising, to walk, to almost running.
From drinking nothing but Breastmilk to eating table food.
From being not able to communicate with us to being able to sign a couple words, say a couple works, and gesture with your hands. 
You have 6 teeth!
You are over half mommy's height
(We will not get your officially weight and length until your 1 year appointment in 1 week.)
You are no longer a little baby...
You are our little man!!

You are like me in so many ways:
1) You love sleep
2) You are becoming a little stubborn (which i like)
3) You love to talk
4) You are very independent

Then at times you remind me of your father:
1) You have your father's gentle heart
2) You love your dog brother so much even when he is in trouble...just like daddy.  

1 year ago today as Paula placed you on my chest,
I remember saying "I love you so much,"
I really do not remember what made me say this as I was very indifferent to becoming a mom,
but the moment that you were in my arms,
I knew that your father and I were going to love you so much.
I knew we would have good days and rough days
(many more good than rough), 
and I knew that being a parent would be challenging,
but it is also so rewarding.  

So on your birthday, your father and I have a special birthday message...

Your first year has been a magical one.
You have brought so much happiness to our lives;
so much pride to our hearts;
and so many tears of joy to our eyes.
You have taught us so much about love, about life, and about ourselves.
Our lives are richer for it.
We are so lucky to have such an amazing son as you and to have the privilege of watching you grow into our 'Little Man'

Mom and Dad"