It is still amazing to me how much you have grown in 4 months.
I sat down this morning and placed A LOT of your three month clothing away because you are so big.
I look back at your new born pictures and wonder where the last 4 months have gone.
You need to stop growing- mostly because you are becoming so heavy for me to pick you up.
I can't even carry you in your carrier anymore- BIG BOY!
You have been amazing!
I will refer to this month as the month that everything goes in the mouth!!!
Hence the pictures...
Your eyes are still blue- please please stay blue!
Your hair is coming in more and I think it is going to be a strawberry blond which I still totally love.
You are a white boy! Yes white like your daddy! No Oliveria olive skin color for you!
You are pretty much sleeping thru the night consistently, going down at 7- 8 pm and sleeping until 4-6 am, and then waking up to feed and going back till 8-9 am. You are starting to fight going down and the witching hour between 6-7pm has become great fun- NOT. Basically you are tired and want to nap but we will not let you. We basically fill this time with bath time, activity time- really anything that keeps you happy.
You were sleeping in your sleep swaddles, until 2 nights after you turning 4 months you starting rolling all over in your crib. We were going to wait another week or two to move you to the sleep sack but we had to with you flipping. Since moving you to the sleep sacks we have had some rough nights because you wake yourself up because you are moving so much, but it is getting better slowly. This to be honest has been the hardest we have had it with you sleeping- so please improve!!!!
Goodbye sleep swaddle
You are only taking 2-3 naps now and they are getting longer and more consistent- THANK GOD!
You are becoming better at napping in your crib but we still have our days.
You are starting to take longer naps and only napping twice a day- you thankfully are putting yourself on your schedule!!!
You are still a crazy eater- eating about 42 ounces a day.
Seriously dude! This is something that I have every intention of talking to the peditrican about.
In someways I am looking forward to starting solids in the next couple months and in some way I am dreading it because we kind of have a routine now.
You are loving your activity centers and are getting better and better with tummy time. You are rolling everywhere now!
You are starting to sit by yourself for like 15 seconds....
Your hands are you new favorite thing- so much that it has replaced the wubba so I think in another month the wubba will go into hiding and I will not have to break you of a pacifier. This was something that I was worried about.
You are really a happy boy and have started to love playing peak-a-boo! You laugh all the time and are so mello! You have started to stick out your tongue- seriously your mother's son.
You are so awesome!
You have done well with me going back to work as I knew you would, and I should say I have done well going back to work. I think because I knew you were going to be with different people- Joe, my mom, Joe's emergency day care, I just took the attitude of go with the flow which you have done great with. Yes this can be a little hard because I like schedules but it is what it is and as long as your are happy and healthy then that is all that matters.
We survived your first day care day with flying colors.
Your daycare does not start till August but daddy's work offers 25 days of emergency day care which we are using. Daddy dropped you off the first day, I checked in on you, they sent me a picture of you smiling, and I picked you up and you were happy and slept amazing that night- so I was happy and so was your daddy. Yes it is hard because I know no one will take as good of care of you as us but I am finding that working makes me appreciate my time more with you and also makes me happier!
You love being around people and seeing new things.
Weight 16 pounds 14 ounces- 75%
Length 26 7/8 inches- 90%
Things you did this month
Starting bring your toys to your mouth
Holding on to your Wubba
Sticking your tongue out
Sucking on your thumb and hand
Rolling all over the place.....
Your month was packed with visiting friends and family!
We had a couple of weekends of down time which we mostly spent at the pool...
More of that on Month 5...