Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thank you...

It is crazy to think this time last year- I was waiting to find out if I was pregnant!  
Actually, I was tell Joe that there was no way I was pregnant =0)
What a difference a year has made- especially for me. 
Yes our lives have changed but I too also have changed!
I went thru ZPL, and really have tried to continue embracing this new more relaxed me! 

That being said- I need to send out a very very big THANK YOU!

Last week I went back to work.  
I am working 2-3 days until August when Bug will start daycare at which point I will be working 3 days a week.  As I got into my car last week to drive to work I was excited.  Yes, I was leaving Collin but it was with Joe and then on Friday it was with my mom.  Over the next month and a half when I go to work I will be leaving Collin with people I love and trust and that to me makes a huge difference.  

So my first days back were not spent worrying about Collin because I knew he would be just fine. 
Instead I could dive right into patient care and dealing with unlocking all my accounts.  
I went in last Wednesday morning, with it in my head that the day was going to suck- therefore I should just go with the flow.  I basically use 3-4 different systems a day and figured all of them would be locked because I was gone so long.  I gave myself extra time to get to work, part, get to my office, unlock my computer and get up to Labor and Delivery.  To my surprise only one system would not let me in, something that took me all of two minutes to fix- seriously am I this lucky!  My day just continued to get better as seeing all faces and recieving emails from patients welcoming me back.  
Friday I was in the clinic and it was booked- but booked with patients that I had missed and seen for their other pregnancies, it was good to see them and catch up and of course show baby pictures.  
It is funny how excited my patient's were for me to be pregnant and to see pictures- I think it because we kind of share a closer bond now.  

My co-workers are amazing, especially Jen who covered for me in my absense and basically made sure that I came back to nothing!  YOU ROCK! 
They have supported me in working part time and even gave me the schedule back!
Love just jumping right back into it. 

My husband is amazing and has stepped up to the plate.
Though he has learned a little bit in his times alone with Collin- like when you use the extra outfit in the diaper bag- you need to replace it- it doesn't magically happen itself.  
He has totally made me laugh out loud a couple times at work and I know has enjoyed his one on one time with Collin.  

My parents are so supportive and I could not have asked for anything more.
They are there when we need them and also so respectful of Joe's and my wishes when it comes to Collin.  It has been so fun to see them with Collin.  

Our friends and family are crazy!  
I got so many texts last week from friends and family members just to check to see how I was doing
and wish me luck on my first week back!

And then there is this little guy-

Seriously, sometimes I do think I am the luckies girl in the world!
Thank you everyone for everything!