Thursday, October 4, 2012

More Paint Projects

So while working on the high chair and knowing that he would have to let to multiple coats dry, Joe decided to tackel some other painting jobs. 

We have decided that the furniture in the nursery is going to be white whether it is a boy or a girl.  I truely hate different brown wood colors because of the difficulty to match pieces if you ever want to add on. 
Black was out of the question for the furniture, so white it was. 
We have started to look at cribs and dressers and chairs, but I knew I wanted a book case. 
While I was cleaning out Joe's closet one weekend
(Yes I was cleaning it out because I am a rock star wife),
I realized that the offwhite childhood bookcase of his that had become faded would probably be perfect for the nursery (and one less thing that would need to be purchased!)

So at Home Depot we stocked up on Rustoleum Primer and Paint in 1 spray paint in a White Gloss and he went to work on spraying it.

I think it turned out great!
Again I am a huge fan of Spray Paint and especially Rustoleum. 

Turned out great!!

Joe also had a little turtle from his childhood, which I am assumming was a foot stool.  I totally love this little turtle but again the color did not work with the room scheme.  So Joe came up with an idea.  He would spray paint the shell yellow and evenetually we decide on a gray room color he would paint the rest of the turtle gray.

So this weekend he covered the head, feet, and tail with tape and then spray painted the shell yellow. 

Finished product- Looking so cute!
Eventually he will paint the rest and I hope to get a fun button or something to superglue on for the eye. 

Fun little projects!
Sucessful weekend!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

16 + weeks

Sorry Bug!

I know I am a little bit late on this entry but that is life. 
I promised myself that whenever I had a prenatal appointment I would journal what I am experiencing that month or that week. 

So here goes:

16+ week Appointment

Things that have changed over the last month:
- The nausea is ever decreasing though I still have bad days occassionally which I totally can handle.

- Still no belly
My husband likes to ask me everyday!
Thank god because I am still fitting into my normal clothes. 
Hoping I can last till the end of October but only time will tell.

- 1 pound weight loss
Totally think this is because I have started running again. 
Thankfully my midwife is not worried and neither am I.

- Fatigue- found out my blood count is low
Totally makes sense since meat is my really only food aversion.
Hello Iron tablets. 
- Bug is moving like crazy on the Ultrasound and growing so much!

- Love seeing how excited Joe is with this whole process as well as all of our friends and family!

What we talked about at my appointment:
- Second part of my genetic screening- all normal!
-Flu shot- check!
-Dtap immunization- will get at 28 weeks
-Childbirth classes
Signed up for the Tour in December
Signed up for childbirth classes =0)
- Weight loss/anemia
Need to start iron pill and supplementing my diet since meat and baby Oh do not mix.

- 20 week Ultrasound- scheduled-
Except I could not schedule it to 21-2 weeks- oh well will just have to wait a little bit longer.
-Travel precautions since I will be traveling abroad before my next appointment

Fetal Heart Rate 160s! 

Next appointment 21 weeks! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

High Chair Make Over

One of the things that Joe has been looking forward to the most is redoing his childhood highchair. 
His parents were nice enough to give it to us prior to their moving to Florida. 
The chair was a natural wood finish that matched nothing in our house. 

After some consideration, we decided to go with a color that I had used previous in our house on one of my other staining projects.
This color matched our dining room table which is a darker wood. 

Bombay Mahogany Satin Stain

The thing I learned about staining is you must take your time.

After two coats. 

3 coats

4th and Final Coat!

So happy this is done and happy that two generations of Heckers will be able to use this highchair.  (Eventually)

Yes this is something that totally could have waited to do further in the pregnancy since the bug will not be using it for a while.
That being said we are in the weird phase that we don't have too much to do now and I know once the end of October hits it will be crazy so best to do it early while hubby has time.  =0)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pregnancy reading

So when a midwife gets pregnant what books does she read?

To be honest, I plan on reading the books below which I will discuss and then focus on baby books.
As a midwife, I had read all the books, and for the most part they are ok. 
Some are overwhelming,
Some do not have enough info.  
You could read 1 pregnancy book a week and need like 5-10 years to read all of them.
I have done my job of reading pregnancy books. 
I counted- I have 20 + pregnancy books in my office that I have read.  
These are not textbooks but just for the average person.  
I like reading them because then I knew what to recommend to patients and what to not. 

So what is currently on my pregnancy readying list:

Baby Bargains
This is a must for registering because it puts the sanity back in to it and also gives you a reality check.  I had read this a couple years ago and was so happy to be able to borrow it from a friend to help sort thru the baby gear.

Baby 411
This is a gift I give to all of my pregnant friends and they love it. 
Easy referernce for all things baby.  
Again able to borrow from a friend.  
I also like the American Academy of Pediatrics which I actually have at work.  

This is a form of childbirth that I fell in love with shortly after delivering my first hypnobirthing baby.  The method deals with meditation and finding strength from within.  
I actually read this book 4 years ago when I was a begining midwife but need to read it from the patient perspective this time.

Birth Happy
This book was actually written by one of the midwives in the practice I am going to.  
It is about being happy with your pregnancy and also your birth.  
I figured if nothing else it will kind of let me into the brain of the midwives I hope to deliver with.  

What pregnancy books are on your list???

Ways to Organize Your Paint!

Over the weekend while Joe was doing his 5 millions paint projects (more to come later) I decided to organize the garage a little and use this opportunity to get rid of some of the paint that we have lying around. 
Basically, we had paint saved going back from Joe's old appartment and when we moved into the house.  The paint cans were almost empty and I was just holding on to them in case I ever needed touch ups or more so that I would know the color.  However, with 10+ paint cans (almost empty) in the garage, I decided it was time to organize. 

Joe and I stopped by Home Depot on Friday night to pick up some stuff he needed for the weekend and I picked up a half a dozen paint sticks. 
Then I came home and with a sharpee put the brand and name of the paint color and code on the top of the stick. 

I then dipped the stick into the paint and let it dry. 

 I was able to get rid of 6 old paint cans that were almost empty.  I kept a couple cans as they were 1/2 full and could see using them again.   Now instead of paint cans taking up alot of room in our garage I have the paint sticks that take up a fraction of the space. 

The whole thing took me about 30 minutes or less to do, which mostly involved letting the paint dry. 
Totally happy I did this =0)

I have seen people make a spread sheet of the paint colors they have but I also like having the actual paint stick that way if they every discontinue the color you can take the stick in with you and they can try to match it.