Monday, October 1, 2012

Pregnancy reading

So when a midwife gets pregnant what books does she read?

To be honest, I plan on reading the books below which I will discuss and then focus on baby books.
As a midwife, I had read all the books, and for the most part they are ok. 
Some are overwhelming,
Some do not have enough info.  
You could read 1 pregnancy book a week and need like 5-10 years to read all of them.
I have done my job of reading pregnancy books. 
I counted- I have 20 + pregnancy books in my office that I have read.  
These are not textbooks but just for the average person.  
I like reading them because then I knew what to recommend to patients and what to not. 

So what is currently on my pregnancy readying list:

Baby Bargains
This is a must for registering because it puts the sanity back in to it and also gives you a reality check.  I had read this a couple years ago and was so happy to be able to borrow it from a friend to help sort thru the baby gear.

Baby 411
This is a gift I give to all of my pregnant friends and they love it. 
Easy referernce for all things baby.  
Again able to borrow from a friend.  
I also like the American Academy of Pediatrics which I actually have at work.  

This is a form of childbirth that I fell in love with shortly after delivering my first hypnobirthing baby.  The method deals with meditation and finding strength from within.  
I actually read this book 4 years ago when I was a begining midwife but need to read it from the patient perspective this time.

Birth Happy
This book was actually written by one of the midwives in the practice I am going to.  
It is about being happy with your pregnancy and also your birth.  
I figured if nothing else it will kind of let me into the brain of the midwives I hope to deliver with.  

What pregnancy books are on your list???

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