Friday, March 29, 2013

MVP for the 1st two weeks

The first two weeks were rough, mostly complicated by the part that I was re- admitted into the ICU for Pre-Eclamps/HELLP.
There were a handful of things I could have not lived without suing the first two weeks:

I rented a Ameda hospital grade pimp before we left the hospital the first time and the pumping bra was amazing!  Especially when I was in the ICU-  I just left it on me and hooked up the pump every couple of hours.  I am actually thinking about purchasing another one so I can keep at work when I go back.
It lets you multitask- something that I love!

I have had patient swear by these for years and loved the idea as it is a reusable breast pad.  I truly loved these.  They do not dry the breast out at all and for the most part will stay in place even when I do not have a bra on.  I also love that they are "green" and can be used over and over.  I got the started kit as a gift with comes with cleaner and wipes for them.
Totally love!

One of the only baby books we read was the Happoest baby on the Block.
And let me tell you swaddling works with Collin.  We received a couple Swaddles as a gift and purchased a couple more with a gift card we had.

Also after reading the Happiest Baby on the Block we knew that white noise and carrying on our normal life with noise would be important to help Collin adjust.  We place this on each night when we put him to bed and found that it does help calm him.

5) Ibaby log app
This app was recommended by a friend and I love it!
I would have paid large amount of money for this app!  It basically helps you keep track of everything from feeding to diaper changes to activities, etc.  this app is FREE!  A must have to keep you sanity!

6) WubbaNub
Yes I thought I would never use this as I was not going to give a pacifier while I was trying to breastfeed, however, this was a saving grace while I was re-admitted with my parents.
So he loves it now... and the rest is history.

7) Bouncers
I received two of these as hand me downs and at the time Joe thought- why do we need 2.
I ended up putting one in the bathroom to use while I am taking showers and one stays on the main level for me to use during the day.
I totally love these as they let me eat while watching him and take a shower/get ready for my day.

8) The best husband ever
He totally became a single parent for a couple days while I was in the ICU because Collin could not come into the ICU so he stayed home and took care of him.
Amazed at how good of a dad he is!
And for the record watching your own child is not "babysitting!"

9) Wonderful family and neighbors
Thank God my parents are local and helped us so much from picking up breastmilk at the hospital, from my mom staying with Joe and helping him adjust so he could come visit me in the hospital.
Our friends and neighbors were awesome from dropping off food, extra newborn clothes, to encouraging emails and texts.

The first two weeks were interesting but I am glad that life is setting down a little bit!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Guest Post- New Addition

My girlfriend came to visit and took some amazing pictures of Collin David.
I thought I would share her blog today...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Survival of the first week

This was the first week I was home with Collin alone and I set a couple goals for myself.  
This might sound silly but I have heard from everyone that you kind of loose track of time when taking care of a newborn and the normal daily things get pushed to the side.  

My goals were:

1) Take a shower
For the most part Collin wakes up at 8:30/9 am so I set my alarm to go off at 8/8:30- this let me get up shower, feed Clemson and the next goal- Make the bed.  

2) Make the bed
See above

3) Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner
Yes I know this sounds funny, but I am the worst at letting time getting away from me and not eating and now that I am pumping, I am hungry and I get moody when I do not eat- like blood sugar low moody.  So I have a standard system- mini bagel and cream cheese for breakfast,  turkey sandwich and chips for lunch and then I made a schedule for the dinner meals.  

4) Stay hydrated
This is by far the hardest for me.  I have a huge water bottle that I make myself down every time I pump.  I need to get better at this.  

5) Take 1 nap with Collin a day
Collin is starting to get on a routine- during the day eating every 3-4 hours.  This mean that after he feeds he is alert for 1-2 hours and then sleeps for 1-2 hours.  So he eats at 8:30/9 goes thru this routine and then is due again to eat at 12-1pm so at 2/3pm is our nap time.  
  This way I can do the 2 am feeding on my own and let Joe sleep since he is working and not getting a nap in.  This seems to be working pretty well.

6) Tackle 1-2 outings this week on my own
Last week we went on a couple outings but not too many because of the snow on Monday, and people visiting us all day on Friday.  On Tuesday we went to the Mall to have our picture taken with the Easter Bunny which took all of 15 minutes from time out of the car to time back into the car because no was was there at I went at like 11am.  Wednesday I had to go to the store to pick something up- again another quick little errand and Thursday we went on a long dog walk with Clemson.
I am ready for the weather to be warmer so I can take Clemson and Collin for longer walks. 

7) Laundry Monday and Thursdays
Newborns go thru a lot of clothes and I think it is easy to get into the trap of doing laundry everyday- which I hate!  So Joe and I decided laundry days would be Monday and Thursday.  Joe is in charge of bring the clothes down before he goes to work and I work on them during the day and put them away.  I find so far Monday and Thursdays are perfect because we have enough outfits to last between.  

All and all I feel like I am slowly adjusting and feeling like I can tackle a little more each week.  
What were your goals the first couple of weeks?

Goals for week two alone:
More walks to get back in shape
More outings to keep me sane
Hospital Mommy and Me Group

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Collin 2+ Weeks

 Collin's first two weeks were a busy one..

Filled with many first....

 First time meeting Granny and Grampy D in the Hospital

First Car Ride home from the hospital with Mommy and Daddy

First Bath!

First Peditrican appointment!
Weight dropped to 6 pounds 15 ounces.  

First walk with the family- including Clemson Puppy

First Skype ever with Mommy while in the IUC!

All the new funny little faces..

Bottle feeding with the boys

Spending Daddy time.

Multitasking with Mommy!
He must learn early to multitask!

First trip outside in the Ergo

Happy St Patty's Day

 Lots of adorable pictures!  

Tummy time and activity mat time...

Meeting all his new friends...Susan

Meeting his godmother- Keely

Meeting his aunt Caroline- Of course I do not have a picture because Joe took it on his phone!

Trip to see the Easter Bunny

His 2 week appointment- He is a moose!  8 pounds 2 ounces!

Our first two weeks were crazy but so much fun!
Can't wait to see what he does at 1 month!

Things scheduled:
Easter celebration with Family
1st One Year Old Birthday Party with our friend's daughter Lily
30th Birthday Party Celebration with another friend
Meeting the other set of grandparents
1 month appointment= 1st set of shots
1st Airplane ride for my cousins wedding
1st New Mommy group
Multiple lunches with friends, family, and visiting daddy at work!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Getting the most out of our health insurance

So prior to my delivery, I read my health insurance policy on everything maternity.
I wanted to know exactly what I was get myself committed to!

And for the most part I am glad I did- 
I was able to know exactly what new little Collin was going to cost us and also find out some of the perks of my insurance.  Fortantely, I switched insurances with the New Year from Joe's crappy insurance to my awesome federal employee insurance which is 500times better than Joe's- 
defined by the fact that I do not have to pay for much out of pocket.

Some of the perks I found out about with respects to breastfeeding is free milk storage bags- 
150 of them to be exact every 2 month. 
I literally called up my insurance, gave them my info and they stated it will be in the mail in 7 business days- 
if only everything in life were this easy!
This is awesome especially since I am pumping.  I already have about 25 full bags in the freezer so the bags will come in handy and can be another expense that I do not have to worry about!
One less thing to worry about paying for!

Also my insurance reimburses me for my pump rental for 1 month- 


However, these things would not happen automatically, I had to call them which was not hard and go thru the process which took all of 10 minutes.  
I felt it was worth the time as it will save me 70$ for the pump rental and 20$ + a month in bags- as I am freezing at least 1 6-8 ounce bag a day now.
Time= Money!

What did you find your insurance covered?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The midwife surrenders to Breastfeeding

Let me start by saying this was one of the hardest decisions I had to make as a new mom.  
I wanted to breastfeed, but it was not in the cards for us.

It started after my difficult delivery, my milk was late to come in because of all the blood I had lost and I could barely sit up to nurse Collin.  The lactation consultant saw us in the hospital and helped with a nipple shield which was slowly starting to work.  Collin was a lazy eater so thankfully, I rented an industrial pump from the hospital and besides trying to breastfeed, I was also pumping.   I had multiple appointments with the lactation consultants who stated I was doing everything right from stimulating him, to help keeping him awake, etc.   Collin was slowly starting to get interested in breastfeeding when I got readmitted into the hospital.  

This is when Joe and I went into survival mode-
I pumped and my parents brought the breast milk home for Joe.
With my parents helping us the pacifier also came into play since i could not sooth with nursing- especially his wubbanub which we now refer to as nubba.

So when I got home from the hospital, I took it easy for a day because the blood pressure medication made me feel a little weak and the fact that the magnesium was slowly getting out of my system.
So last week I spent Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday trying to get Collin back on the breast.  This turned into screaming matches- not my idea of fun, especially since Collin really does not scream.  He cries when he is hungry and that is about it.
But I tried for days all the tricks that lactation consults had told me with no success.
Three to four days of bottle feeding exclusively had turned him and there was no going back.
He was a lazy eater before and an even more lazy now.  
Tuesday afternoon I will admit that I lost it.  
I called Joe at work in tears after trying for an hour and not even getting him to latch once!  

This is when I made the decision that while I want to breastfeed to promote bonding- Collin and I could have our bonding in other ways because as of Wednesday I was going to be pumping and giving Collin breast milk in bottle form.
Fortunately, my milk has now come in and is plenty.  

This was a hard decision but the right one for me.  
I was dealt these cards, and does it stink- yes- but he is still getting breast milk and I am more sane for making this decision as it was stressing me out to no end-
which Collin probably could sense.  

Besides as my midwife friend reminds me....
"Pumping is breastfeeding!"
Thanks Jen for being the voice of reason.

So here is to my little "milk man" who is already drinking 30 ounces a day and growing like crazy!