Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Changing it Up

Lately, I have been reading all these articles/books to help make your living area more functional.  
So Friday night while watching the Shark Tank (oh how I love this show) with the help of my husband, we rearraged our living room.  

Let me start by stating, I love our house but our living room is an interesting room because it is so big.  Over the last year, I have just grown to hate it.  Primarily because when we have people over, it is so spread out that you feel like you are yelling at people across the room. 
So when we moved in, this is how we arranged it. 

What it looked like before

Then after Friday Night...

Where the blue chair use to be we are going to place a desk there (add that to the to-do-list).  
I am hoping having our computer in a more convenient location will make our lives easier.  
Yeah for making our house more functional!