I truly hate these signs.
I hated them before I got pregnant and I still hate them now.
I know hate is a strong word but it is appropriate because I do hate them.
Well it is like stating-
My car is more special because I have a baby!
I mean we do not Wife on Board Signs, or Sister on Board Signs, etc.
Why don't we all just drive normally, and respect every form of life-
whether it is baby or adult.
This brings up another topic that has grown particularly frustrating for me.
My only complaint about being pregnant is talking about being pregnant.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy being pregnant and have been so fortuante to be surrounding by loving friends and family but I am a person who happens to be pregnant- not a pregnant person.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy being pregnant and have been so fortuante to be surrounding by loving friends and family but I am a person who happens to be pregnant- not a pregnant person.
I want to talk about normal stuff life books, TV, shopping, etc.
It amazes me how everyone wants to know how I am feeling, etc.
I get this asked at least 10 times a day.
Thank God Joe has learned that asking me how I am is my least favorite question.
I am great!
Which is what I would be if I were pregnant or not pregnant!
I found myself at a party the other weekend and of course I am introduced to the other pregnant woman there and she was so happy to talk about everything pregnancy while I wanted to scream....
"Please can we talk about anything else.."
Some might take this as not being excited to be pregnant and I have had a couple people ask me if I really am excited.
I am- I am so excited.
But I am also not consummed by it.
So please...
Do not asking me how I am feeling...