Monday, January 20, 2014

We are Walking....

You may remember that on New Year's Eve Day, Collin took his first couple of steps (assisted)- 
meaning Joe and I would start walking with him and then let him go and he would take
2-8 steps on his own.

Since then we have been trying to get him to walk assisted ALOT and
I have found what works best is having him hold on 1 hand.  
We worked on it all day.  
So when Joe got home early from work today and it was still nice outside 
I suggested we go for a walk.
We bundled up and I was standing with Collin closing the garage door when he just started walking to Joe.
He kept walking and walking!!!

Joe who was quick thinking- thanks to an early Valentine/Birthday gift, 
whipped out his I-phone to get some pictures.