If you know anything about me, I am a very private person.
There are a lot of things I do not even share with my besties.
So when I found out I was pregnant, I shut my hubby down. The morning the test was positive, he was jumping around the kitchen and I remember looking him in the eye and saying,
“We are not telling anyone until I decide it is time.”
I must have had a serious look in my face because he nodded in agreement.
There were only a couple things I was mandating during pregnancy, and deciding when to announce was one of them. Being a midwife, I knew the statics on miscarriage, I knew the statics on genetics and I just wanted to be on the safe side prior to telling people. I did not want to get peoples hopes up- particularly Joes only to miscarry.
He was so excited; to be honest I have never seen him so happy!
So we decided to hide our secrete, if only I knew it would be so hard to hide for me! But I knew it was for the best and determined we were not going to tell anyone until I was out of the first trimester- ha God laughed at me and my idea! Little did I know that I would have a rough first trimester- my colleague found out at work basically as I was getting sick in my office trash can, and my mom of all people confronted me at dinner one night when I must of looked 5 shades of green. But both promised they would not tell a sole until, Joe and I were ready.
When are you ready to tell people?
I struggled with this for a long time because it was kind of cool having our own little secrete and not having people give their opinions- because I really hate unwelcomed opinions!!! And I knew that with any life change- I was going to get a lot!
Also by not telling anyone- it was not really real to me yet.
I was not ready to admit that life was about to change drastically
and even more so not ready to admit I was going to be a MOM!
That being said- we had to start telling people so at 14-15 weeks it happened.
First the grandparents to be with a cute little picture frame of a picture with the bug and a note that said “On a day we celebrate when you started our family, we are happy to announce we will be expanding it by one, and it is not another dog!”
Fortunately both of our parent’s anniversaries were around 14 weeks so this worked out perfect.
We also sent a picture to both my brother and my sister in law letting them know they are going to be an Uncle and an Aunt.
Over the following week we let family know, followed by letting friends know.
Followed by letting work know- yes I was dreading this the most…
More to come on that.
What I was not ready for was the responses!
This bug is already surround by so much love- it is so lucky to have the family and friends that we have! We are so lucky!
But most of all this bug is so lucky!