Monday, December 12, 2011

Running thru life.... It is going to be a good week

With only two week left until Christmas and a couple more till London I am determined to get out of the "darkness funk" as I call it. 
It is dark when I go to work and dark when I get home.  
I hate it, I feel my production as a human goes down.  
However, this weekend Joe and I had so much fun with friend at various events. 
It was good too see people from different aspects of our life.  
Just for the record- 2 year old birthday parties while fun are also really really good birth control \

To continue - This morning started out awesome!!! 
Clemson puppy let me sleep till 9:30am !!!  
Then I got an email stating that I have been selected for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler!!!  
They have started to do a lottery because so many people register and I did not get in last year...but did this year so I am so excited! 
After finding this out I was very motivated on my run!

So my Monday is starting out on an awesome foot!
Let see if the rest of the week can continue.  

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Running thru life.... Christmas Spirit

Sorry I have not posted anything recently but I have been uber busy with work, running, and holiday festivities!
But this post is extra special to me....

The other day while organizing things on the computer I came upon an old english assignment that I compose as a holiday poem while in middle school.  I thought I would share to help everyone get in the spirit of giving this holiday season.  

Red Envelopes
 T’was the night before Christmas and out on the street,
not a creature was stirring, not even the cop on his beat.
But under a sign that read, “Do not Park,”
sat an old Chevrolet, covered with snow in the dark.
Inside were the three Milens with no joy to behold,
this was their home, a broken car that was damp and cold.
Dad Fred and mother Molly in the front seat they slept,
while alone in the back, Michael the Christmas vigil he kept.
Michael looked to the sky and a prayer he quietly said,
“Dear God let Santa give my parents and me a warm bed.
We have each other and for this I am glad,
but what a wondrous gift if a warm bed be could be had.”

He drifted off  to sleep and thought of Jesus that night,
and how cold he must have been, with the same moon for a light.
When all of a sudden the car shook with such a clatter,
Fred, Molly and Michael awoke to see what was the matter.
There on the seat was a small shiny pillow and a red envelope attached with pins,
On its cover a note that said simply, “To the Milens, From Santa’s Friends.”
Michael opened the envelope and inside he found,
a key, three metro passes and an address on the edge of town.
Fred was amused but thought this must be some sort of joke,
But Molly said she knew that address, it was where she had once worked for some folk.
So they huddled in their clothes and three blocks to the Metro they sped,
It was something fun to do and better than sleeping in a cold bed.
They sat alone on the car, there are not many commuters on Christmas eve.
But then out of nowhere, Daddy Fred felt a tug on his sleeve,
It was an old boss of Fred’s for whom he hadn’t worked in years,
but just the thought of seeing the man, made Fred’s eyes fill with tears.
“Fred,” the man said, “A bearded chap I met on the street said I would find you here,
I need you to come work for me in a new business I started this year.
No arguments now cause I know you are just the type of man I need,
I want you to run my new business, and I will pay you well indeed.
I won’t take no for an answer, you simply must say yes,
here is the address, can you start on the day after Christmas?”
Molly sighed, Michael giggled and Fred nodded quickly to agree,
and with that, the man ran off, “There is a place I have to be.”
Now totally stunned by the events thus far that night,
their station, their stop came quickly into sight.

Off the car they came and out of the station they went,

they all wondered if their share of miracles for this Christmas had been spent.
To the address on the envelope they came and daddy Fred took the key.
They all held their breath as he put it in the tiny lock, Michael pulled closer to see.
He turned it, it clicked, they opened the door and walked in as they dared.
Molly was crying but Michael just stared.
The house was all warm and had furniture, beds and all,
there was a small light on a small table at the end of the hall.
On the table, Michael found three red envelopes which he distributed with care,
Perhaps there were more miracles still in the air.
Fred tore his open quickly with a single whiz,
Inside he found a mortgage note that declared the house to be his.
Molly was next and she too opened hers on the fly,
she found a gift certificate for a store, open, nearby.
“Christmas dinner!” she proclaimed and let out a shout,
“It was the one thing I had been dreaming about.”
And in young Michael’s there was simply a note that said,
“Sometimes wishes come true in envelopes of red.”

Now I believe in Santa and miracles too,
even though there are those who say they are not true.
You see Santa and miracles for the Milens are real.
They are now warm in their house eating their Christmas meal.
Santa lives in all us and the power to make miracles does too,
there is a Santa and he lives in me and you.
So this Christmas, as you think of the Milens and the gifts that they got,
Remember, charity and prayers make miracles and disbelieving does not.
The Milens gave thanks to God as they ate their meal,
and little Michael, like me, now knows that Santa is real!

Merry Christmas!!!!