Friday, February 3, 2012

Running thru life.... Clemson is a water dog!

Clemson you totally make me laugh.
Joe decided he was going to take a bath because his back hurt.
5 minutes later he had a friend with him.

This has happened 3 times in the last two weeks- what can you do other than laugh!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Running thru Life... Silence YOU DOG!

This weekend since it ended up being a relaxing, low key weekend, I stopped by our local dog store to pick up something I have been wanting to get Clemson for a while.  
The Quiet Spot.

aka... Pet Tag Silencer.
Now that Clemson has three tags- 
1 with his name and information, 1 with his vaccines, and 1 for the county,
he is like a jingel pup.  =0)
Except it is not Christmas anymore.  

Our neightbors use this product and love it.  
At first we we just had the 1 tag I did not see the point, but now I do.
You can hear him coming from all the way downstairs.  

So I called ahead to make sure they had them instock.
Walked in and looked thru the colors. 
The lady asked if there was a particular color I was looking for- 
Yes actually, do you have it in orange.
She went to the back and two minutes later I was pay $8 for it at the checkout.

I come home and placed it on Clemson.

Sorry no more Jingle Pup!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Running thru life... Year in Review!

I have blogged about this previously, 
but I thought I would share again since I have inspired a couple people at my job.

As you know, my husband loves photography.  
He has the big camera, big lens, big carry case.
We take so many pictures when we are travel,
and the first thing that he does when he gets home is upload them to his computer.

We came to agreement a couple years ago that each year we would make a photo book and also update the photos throughout the house.  
This way we actually get to enjoy the pictures that we take. 
This is something I work on thru out the year- quarterly.  
I spend about 30 minutes every couple months up loading photos and working on the album.
I use Kodak because I like there layouts, they offers you more options, and it is easy to use.
However, both Snapfish, Shutterfly can do the same.  

So I finished the book up after we came home from the UK, and then waited for a sale.
40% off photo books hit and I ordered it. 

Here it is sitting at the top along our pile of other photo books
1 Wedding
1 Honeymoon
1 2009-2010
1 Greece
Now 1 2011

Totally love this cover, during a Clemson football party at our house!

Summer fun!

 Manchester United Game with my Fam!

Fall times!

I have no idea why this picture did not auto correct.

I love this idea and will continue to do it.  
This year it was 60 pages (30 total pages front and back).
$35 with shipping included- NOT TOO BAD!
I got free shipping because I also ordered some pictures for the house, pictures as gifts, etc. 
Also if I had not waiting for a sale it would have been $$$$!