Little Man...
And this has been a month!
Your first steps!
You continue to amaze me and I am learning so much from you.
You are now in 12 month clothing, starting to fit into 18 months.
You are in size 4 diaper.
Your eating has not changed other than you are starting to eat more finger foods and
now using a snack cup. Your new favorite treat is "Yogi Puffs" and crackers.
You are slowly starting to transition from baby food to people food, not completely ready to leave baby food yet. Your milk intake has decreased to 20-24 ounces a day- WAHOO!!
Less than two more months of Breastfeeding!!
You are still our little champion sleeper, going down at 7 pm and sleeping till 8 am with 1 nap in the morning and 1 nap in the afternoon. You are a great sleeper!
The more I talk to my patients who have children, I am reminded how lucky I am that you are such a good sleeper!
You are full of energy now, getting into everything, babbling, playing with toys, trying to climb, splashing in the bath. You like to pull yourself up on furniture off the floor- you are fearless!
You have figured out how to clap and bang toys together. You have start to mimic things I do.
You can now point at something and we are working on waving.
You found your belly button which you love to play with in the bath.
You took your first unassisted steps!
I still think you are a little bit off from walking but you are cursing on your own with your car,
and can take small steps unassisted.
You have mastered climbing stairs.
You are like clockwork- knowing when feeding time is, when nap time is, when bath time is and when bed time is. You are starting to make your way to the stairs when it is time for your bath. Apparently you are like your mother and love being on a schedule.
You had a very very busy month..
Collin's first out of Utero Snow!!!
Collin's first Christmas celebrated with multiple parties and family gatherings.
We had 4 Christmas'!!!
Christmas Eve Day was spent at home celebrating just the 4 of us.

Then we headed to my parents for the Oliveria family Christmas.
Christmas Morning Santa came to our house for the first time ever!!
My family joined our family tradition of "Gay" apparel!
Collin's Big Gift From Santa was his reading chair and books.
Christmas Day we headed up to Baltimore to spend the day with Joe's family.
It was an exhausting 48 hours but so much fun especially with you.
You loved the lights and bows!
You love your new chair which is now in your playroom.
You also love playing with the barstool!
And your new security item has been identified as Lovie....
You geared up for the Clemson Victory over Ohio State!!!
New Remote control in hand.
January is a big month for us...
With lots of RELAXING!!!!!!!