9 Months
This by far has been my favorite and my least favorite at the same time.
You are gaining an attitude and while I love that, it is very clearly that you are going to be your mother's son and be a very willed child. You laugh when I say no well because it is funny mommy!
You are also becoming a little more independent which I am loving.
You can play with your books and toys while I make dinner or empty the dishwasher.
You are officially cruising and I know any day you are just going to start walking.
You want to get into everything and you are fearless. Even your teachers at school have commented on how fearless you are.
Your food intake has not really changed from 8 to 9 months.
This does not surprise me.
We have started to give you more real people food which you are loving and am hoping that by 10 months you will be completely on real people food.
I really have not enjoyed the whole baby food phase because it means a lot more planning on my part.
You have officially learned the sign for “all done” which has helped during meal time.
You can also hold your own bottle which has proved to be amazing.
You know the sign for milk but are not doing it yourself yet.
You are sleeping great going down around 7 pm and sleeping till 7 am and then still taking two naps. Nothing has really changed here either.
You are starting to become more verbal and say "Ma ma ma" all the time but I do not know if you mean it.
At your recent 9 month appointment, you weighted 21 pounds even and are almost 30 inches long- still 90% for height and 80% for weight. You are in 12-18 month clothing depending on the brand.
You are absolutely love Clemson puppy and we spend most of our day chasing him around the house which means him and you both tired.
This month we had a lot of first such as our
First Thanksgiving
Our first Trip to see Santa
(which you rocked by the way)
I was warned that you might cry the whole time but I was smart and went on a Monday Morning when no one was there. I put you on Santa’s lap and you just started babbling to him and then tried to pull his beard, which was real.
Up next...