This blog today is a reflectional blog for me.
I hope someone will find soemthing in it that they can use in their life.
When I was going thru Midwifery school I had an midwife that I worked very closley with that I loved.
She has made me who I am today as a midwife which has offically today been 4 years!!
It is amazing to think I have being doing this for 4 years!!
Last week while doing a delivery with a intern.... thoughts of her came to me.
Interns are always overly ready- as I was when I was in training.
To be honest this is why I love interns because I too was there once!
So while pushing you could tell the intern was getting a little antzie... ready for the baby to come.
I have been working with this intern for a couple weeks on L/D and we have come to understand and get eachother humor- which is the only way you make it through a day on L/D.
So I whisper the same thing my midwife that I trained with whispered to me over 4+ years ago....
"Patience my young grasshopper."
This intern and I are have a good rapor and he totally gets my humor. So he looked at me, nodded, and then went back to the patient. Over the next couple of pushes the head delivered on it own, restituted, we delivered the shoulders followed by the body. What I wanted the intern to see was the manuvers a baby makes when it born coming thru the birth canal so they can appreciate and understand the process.
If you do not understand the process you can not know how to fix it when there is a problem!
Don't get me wrong there is always a time where more active management is neccessary but it makes me appreciate when it is not....
The same came be said for life....
So when things are not going the way you want them to or how fast you want them...
Just remember
" Patience my young grasshopper. "