Saturday, May 7, 2011

Running thru life... Patio 5

I have been still working on our patio area.  
A new problem has arrisen.
Clemson loves playing in the veggie garden... SERIOUSLY!!!

After spending some time trying to come up with different options.  
I headed to Home Depot to return some mulch that we did not use.  

My hubby and I walked over to the garden area and looked are the garden wires/fences.  
There were about 20 different types to choose from.  
We opted to go with a cheapy because I wanted to see if this idea was even going to work. 
So here are the results.  We placed the garden wire around both gardens.  
What do you think?

We will see how it does keeping Clemson out....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Running thru life... A reflection on my running products

A couple months ago I blogged about some new products I was using to add me in my training. 
I decided to reflect and comment on the products. 

Jelly Belly Sport Beans
Let me start by saying
Holy Bean!!!
These things are sweet.  I used them when I am running in my half marathon because I could fit two small packets in my running pants pocket.  I would put two or three in my mouth and continue on my run. 
All and All I was happy with them and it was nice to have something refreshing. 
I still have a couple back left which I only use when I am doing long runs. 

Body Glide
I purchased it at REI. 
I use it when I am running anything further than 7 miles.
I can tell the different (I will not explain how... but trust me on this). 
It can be used anywhere.  I use it under my sports bra, my underarms and my legs. 

 Under Armour Shirt.
I recieved this as a gift.  I usually do not like Under Armour workout clothes because they are so tight and I like things lose on me when I am working out.  However, this is a lose fitting shirt.  I love it because it is light weight and breatheable. 

I heart these tablets. 
They were my salvation when I was training for my half marathon. 
I only used the limon lime because I like that flavor so much that I did not want to mess up a good thing.

Running Water Bottle by Iron Man
This product is OK.  I find it very uncomfortable to run with anything in my hands. 
It is a good concept and might work for some but for me... no so much. 

Hope this all helps...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Running thru life... Patio time 4

The patio process continues... CRAZY

After talking with a neighbor I decided to hang some handing plants. 
We are having everyone over to our house for Father's Day in June so I have motivation to have everything done by then and we have a busy next couple of weeks with Joe having finals and final projects due, my birthday with company in town, etc. 

So I headed to Costco to by some hanging plants because their baskets are awesome and can actually be reused next year if I wanted to replant flowers. 
I purchased three of them.
I then headed to homedepot and with a credit that we had recieved for returning something I purchased three handing hooks.
My hubby helped place the hooks in the beams while I supervised. 

Here is one up close. 

Our final step is patio furniture, which we are still up in the air about because I am still trying to decide what I want to do.  URR... I need to make a decision.  More importantly, I need my hubby to have an opinion!
Wish me luck on that one. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Running thru life... Patio time 3

Step 3 was planting veggies.
My mom and dad have always been big gardeners. 
We are fortuante that we get enough veggies from them that we normally do not have to buy any produce during the summer except for an occassional letus.  

So I decided to take the plunge and see what happens. 
I headed to Home Depot with two thoughts in my mind based on my mom's advice.
1) Do not spend alot of money
2) Get a varitey of veggies
3) Only get things you will eat

With us not having a great deal of sun in the backyard ( The veggie garden will get the most sun) I am not sure what will grow well.   So I purchased two different tomato plants for less than $2 each,  1 yellow squash, 2 cuccumbers, 1 basil plant, 1 sweet red onion punch, and 1 bell pepper plant. 
(Everything cost under $2.50 individually)
This weekend I planted them.  
Here are the results.

My mom gave me some manure and tomotao food to help.

I already planted a mint plant I bought three weeks ago at Wegman and it is going crazy on our deck.
Yeah for Mojitos!!!

I will update you and let you know of our sucess. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Running thru life... Patio time 2

The next step was to get a hose system I like.
I went off a neighbor's recommendation of a coil hose. 
This way I do not have to purchase another contraption to keep 
the hose on and have to worry about rolling it up every day after using it.  
I purchased it at Target with a gift card I have for filling a prescription there!
I chose beige because it was either beige, hot pink, or green.  So beige it was.  

I purchased also a basket to hang the hose in. 
I figured this way the hose will be out of the way and not laying on the patio.

This weekend with the help of my hubby I finally put it up!!

One step closer!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Running thru life... Patio time

I am sorry for not posting a lot this past week but I have been very busy with work and working on our back yard.  Now that the patio is done I have a couple things to do:

1) Plant plants
2) Plant veggies
3) Find a hose/spayer for the backyard
4) Patio furniture

First step was plant plants.
I ended up planting a poinsettia I still have from Christmas.  (I know crazy!!!)
2 Hostas (Do not know if I spelled this correctly) I purchased from Costco for $12 each
A mixture of shade friendly flowers at $2.50 each.  I decided I was not spending a lot of money this year.
We get no sun our backyard where I am placing these flowers.  
So I made sure that the plants I got are "Shade plants."
I planted them last week and put mulch around everything with the help of my hubby.  

What do you think...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Running thru life... Getting your dog running

It has been a goal of mine to get Clemson to the point that he can run with me. 
Up to this point this has been difficult because I have been training and running long distances
which is not the ideal for a dog. 
Now that I am back to running around 3-5 miles 4 times a week it is easier to work with Clemosn on his running out door.  Up to this point Clemson has thought whenever we run together that it is a game. 
So he will try to grab his lesh with his mouth and then run around me.
Not fun!!

Today I thought I would try something different. 
Today I walked for about 1/2 mile and found Clemson a stick. 
I gave him the stick and we were happy for the next three miles.

The trainer that I have been emailing back and forth with said that he is working dog
and has to have a job to do. 
So his job today was running home with a stick. 
Crazy but it worked. 
Now he is sleeping on the couch!!!