Saturday, February 12, 2011

Running thru life- while managing a puppy emergency

So last Friday, my husband and I were woken up by the sound of Clemson vomiting.  Clemson normally does not do this-so  we were a little concerned but just figured he got into something.  We placed him back in bed and went back to sleep.  Then at 3 am Saturday morning the sounds happened again.  And again at 9 am,  11am,  and finally 4pm.  He refused to eat all day and also drink.  At 4pm I decided we are taking him somewhere.

Unfortunately our vet- who I LOVE!!!  Dr Segl at Alpha Animal Hospital was closed and would not be opened to Monday.  This could not wait till Monday especially since he was not eating nor drinking and now he was being lethargic.  I could tell by looking at his oral cavity and nose that he was dehydrated.
So i quickly googled someplace near by that we could take him ASAP.  We had two options 1) Banfeild and 2)Penderbrook.  We ended going to Banfield because we called and they said they could get him in.

We checked in and it was down hill from there.  We are spoiled with Dr Segl because she explains everything in detail to us and even shows us things under the microscope.  This did not happen at Banfield.  The doc walked in..looked at Clemson for 1 minutes and then listed 600$  dollars worth of test he wanted to run.   Was not helpful in answering questions, etc.
I then stated that I was concerned that he dehydrated .... the vets exact words were.... "Well we do not have time to give him an IV because we are closing."  Ok so I am PAYING you to help my dog and you are not going to help him.  I WAS PISSED and I think the vet tech could tell that.  After talking with my husband, we opted to only have a couple test run.  The doctor was terrible- he had to stick Clemson 3 times before getting blood.  Clemson has had blood drawn before with Dr Segle and it was nothing.  The experience was horrifying.

It came back that he had picked up Giardia (probably at puppy camp- which he will not be going to anymore!!!). Which the vet did not explain to us at all and actually gave us incorrect instructions on the medication. ... urrr.   So a couple shots later, some $$$, and some prescriptions to take home hopefully we will be getting Clemson back to his normal self very soon.

So to continue the story, Clemson was still not eating or drinking by Monday which I happened to have off.  So I decided to take him to Dr Segl's- the good news is she does not think he has Giardia, or a bowel obstruction, or a bacterial infection.  She thinks it is something viral he caught- so after giving him some fluids and some more nausea medication we came home from the vet. 

Clemson is still recovering- he has his normal energy back, but still not eating the greatest (but making progress every day)!!  THANK GOD!!!

I have learned from this lesson how much we love our vet and how we will never ever be going to Banfield again.  And also how a little furry animal hold your heart in his paws.  (To think I did not even want to get a dog!!!)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week Three- Food while Running

When I am running any where from 4-8 miles a day, I have to approach the way I eat differently. 
I found eating a high protein diet is really important. 
I also found that have a additional mid afternoon snack is necessary.  
My favorite running foods.....

Peanut Butter!!!
It is high protein- I eat it on Bananas, pretzels, etc.

Bananas are high in Potassium- which does amazing things for your muscles!!!

Wasabi Peas
 This is my fun snack-  good protein and tasty!!

Propel Water
I love Propel because it has some flavor.  I started drinking this when I worked full time and went to school.  I love it!!  My favorite is Strawberry Kiwi.

Seltzer Water
I buy this in Bulk at Wegmans ... you can never have enough water when you are running.

Skim Sting Cheese
Also another wegmans purchase- made with Skim milk this is a good Calcium snack.  As women we need calcium!!  Healthy Bones are important.  

Greek Yogurt

This is a good healthy snack- also a goof source of calcium!!! 

Kashi GO Lean
Good source of protein and also my daily vitamins. 

And finally... Meat.
Since I have started I have been craving lean proteins like salmon, steak. 

Happy running + Happy Eating = Healthy Body

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Running thru life- The Price of Greatness

When I lived in Baltimore and was working full time as a nurse while going to grad school full time... I lost it a couple times.  I was fortunante to be surrounded by supportive friends and family.  I remember one weekend after I got home from working a 13+ hour shift I was heading up to my apartment while my neightbor was heading out for the night.  He asked if I wanted to come- I said thanks.. but I have a final next week and I need to get some studying in.  He came gave me a hug and said "Well that is the price of greatness." 

It is the price of greatness.  This is something I think of every day!  It pushes me to do more, learn more, be more.  I encorporate it into everything I do- and everyone I surround myself with.  You see for me greatness is being all I can be and being happy.  For some the price of greatness might be different and that is what is so wonderful about this quote- ask 50 different people what it means and there will be a variety of answers. 

While I was running tonight (which I really was not in the mood to do- just one of those days),  I said this quote to myself.  It is the price of greatness.... meaning running pushes me to be great, to be strong, to be healthy. 

So next time you are looking for motivation in whatever you do, just tell yourself.... It is the price of greatness.  What will it mean to you?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Running thru life... puppy and me time

With hubby now back in school there are two things I have more time to do:

1) RUN!!!!
2) Puppy and Me Time

You might ask what puppy and me time is... basically it is just time that me and Clemson spend together.  Our normal day goes like this.  Wake up at 5 am get dressed.  Have some puppy and me time with Clemson and some peanut butter while I get my lunch ready.  Then go to work... come home and take Clemson for a walk or to play.  More puppy and me time. Run.. followed by dinner... then another walk with Clemson.  Puppy and me time again.

Puppy time also involves our long walks up to Fairfax Corner or our trips to Petsmart.   Or throwing a ball down three flights of stairs in our townhouse because it is raining and we can not go play fetch outside. 

I have noticed since my puppy and me time has increase Clemson is so affectionate with me.  I absolutely love it.  There is nothing better than coming home to a puppy who loves you and is so happy to see you. When Clemson was sick the other day, he came and sat on my lap and curled up in to ball....   I love me some puppy and me time. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Running thru life- Planning a dinner party

So yesterday a couple things happened...
1) I had an awesome long run- SHIN SPLINTS ARE GONE....thank you!!
2) Finished our taxes
3) Had a puppy emergency... future post
4) We had a wonderful dinner party with another couple.

The week before the dinner party I recognized that I had a lot to do to get ready.  So I made a list and decided to try to do something every night.  I hate having to get up Saturday and do stuff all day to get the house ready, get the food together, etc- I am a planner and have planned my week accordingly.  (This way I also know that I have plenty of time to do my long run and possibly get in a nap before guest arrive). 

Here is my list:
Cleaning the guest bathrooms-  Wednesday night 
Wegman's Grocery Store-  Thursday night
Setting the table, etc-  Thursday night
Dusting - Thursday night
Prepping food- Friday night
Floors- Saturday morning

So Wednesday night while my husband was in class, I did one of my least favorite things and cleaned the bathrooms- yuck!!! But in the process, I found a new cleaning product that I am falling in love with.  Scrubbling Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel.  I started using this product about a month ago because I got it as a freebe with another cleaning product.  It is a gel stick that you place on the side of the toilet to help keep you bathrooms clean between cleanings.  I a couple weeks ago and was amazed with the results- and it smells nice
Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, Citrus Scent, Discs, 6 Gel
Thursday night-  I put together our dinning room table while my hubby cooked dinner.  So how do you set a dinning room table.  Her are some pictures below for guidance.

We then headed of to Wegmans for a big run since it was time to do our regular grocery shopping and needed stuff for the dinner.  Finally, I dusted last night before I went to bed.   BUSY DAY
Friday, I prepped the food, cleaned the veggies, made a couple sauces I am going to need etc.

So on Saturday all we had to do was make the food which was quite easy since we picked easy recipes.
We had a spinach cranberry salad with a blush wine salad dressing for a started.
The main course consisted of Scallops with a mango mushroom risotto with a  side of brussel sprouts.

What a Saturday!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Running Thru Life- Saving your Wedding Dress

Saving your wedding dress.

 So I got married almost two years ago in May.
 I loved my dress so much!!!!
 I ended up buying it off line and it worked out perfect!!!  
It was me in every way. 

After the wedding I was torn as what to do with it.  I had spent months look for it.
Give it away, sell it, keep it, etc.
So after ALOT of research I decided to have it cleaned and persevered.
My mom also really pushed me to do this since she did not and has regretted it.   
I looked into the local cleaners for this and they wanted almost what the dress cost to clean it. 

Each company had different packages based on what you wanted clean/preserved.  Both had good reviews but I found Affordable Preservation had better reviews.  I also chose Affordable Preservation because I ended up having my wedding dress, my veil, and my garter placed in the box.  My package was $149 dollars at the time which included 500 dollar insurance on my dress (which is more than I paid for it),  the cleaning and preserving of my dress and up to 3 other items. 
WedClean ended up being a little bit pricer if you wanted to add the items like the veil and garter, they also did not include insurance and you had to pay extra for it.

There is a three step process for both companies. 
1) Order
2) Ship your dress (They send you all the items that you need and a prepared for UPS package) I received a big box in the mail with everything inside it that I would need to ship off my wedding dress. 
It came with stickers that I used to identify any stains, and then separate bag for each article of clothing (obviously a big bag for my wedding dress itself).  Then you place everything in the pre-address/prepaid box .  (They even give you take to take the box shut).  Then I dropped it off at the UPS store. 
I was given a tracking number so I could track where my dress is at all times... which I did. 

3)Receive your gown in 4-6 wks.
I received mine in about 6 weeks.  
Here is how my dress came

The box now is in my closet....  I just loved my dress and now I can look at it whenever I want.