So last Friday, my husband and I were woken up by the sound of Clemson vomiting. Clemson normally does not do this-so we were a little concerned but just figured he got into something. We placed him back in bed and went back to sleep. Then at 3 am Saturday morning the sounds happened again. And again at 9 am, 11am, and finally 4pm. He refused to eat all day and also drink. At 4pm I decided we are taking him somewhere.
Unfortunately our vet- who I LOVE!!! Dr Segl at Alpha Animal Hospital was closed and would not be opened to Monday. This could not wait till Monday especially since he was not eating nor drinking and now he was being lethargic. I could tell by looking at his oral cavity and nose that he was dehydrated.
So i quickly googled someplace near by that we could take him ASAP. We had two options 1) Banfeild and 2)Penderbrook. We ended going to Banfield because we called and they said they could get him in.
We checked in and it was down hill from there. We are spoiled with Dr Segl because she explains everything in detail to us and even shows us things under the microscope. This did not happen at Banfield. The doc walked in..looked at Clemson for 1 minutes and then listed 600$ dollars worth of test he wanted to run. Was not helpful in answering questions, etc.
I then stated that I was concerned that he dehydrated .... the vets exact words were.... "Well we do not have time to give him an IV because we are closing." Ok so I am PAYING you to help my dog and you are not going to help him. I WAS PISSED and I think the vet tech could tell that. After talking with my husband, we opted to only have a couple test run. The doctor was terrible- he had to stick Clemson 3 times before getting blood. Clemson has had blood drawn before with Dr Segle and it was nothing. The experience was horrifying.
It came back that he had picked up Giardia (probably at puppy camp- which he will not be going to anymore!!!). Which the vet did not explain to us at all and actually gave us incorrect instructions on the medication. ... urrr. So a couple shots later, some $$$, and some prescriptions to take home hopefully we will be getting Clemson back to his normal self very soon.
So to continue the story, Clemson was still not eating or drinking by Monday which I happened to have off. So I decided to take him to Dr Segl's- the good news is she does not think he has Giardia, or a bowel obstruction, or a bacterial infection. She thinks it is something viral he caught- so after giving him some fluids and some more nausea medication we came home from the vet.
Clemson is still recovering- he has his normal energy back, but still not eating the greatest (but making progress every day)!! THANK GOD!!!
I have learned from this lesson how much we love our vet and how we will never ever be going to Banfield again. And also how a little furry animal hold your heart in his paws. (To think I did not even want to get a dog!!!)