Monday, February 7, 2011

Running thru life- Planning a dinner party

So yesterday a couple things happened...
1) I had an awesome long run- SHIN SPLINTS ARE GONE....thank you!!
2) Finished our taxes
3) Had a puppy emergency... future post
4) We had a wonderful dinner party with another couple.

The week before the dinner party I recognized that I had a lot to do to get ready.  So I made a list and decided to try to do something every night.  I hate having to get up Saturday and do stuff all day to get the house ready, get the food together, etc- I am a planner and have planned my week accordingly.  (This way I also know that I have plenty of time to do my long run and possibly get in a nap before guest arrive). 

Here is my list:
Cleaning the guest bathrooms-  Wednesday night 
Wegman's Grocery Store-  Thursday night
Setting the table, etc-  Thursday night
Dusting - Thursday night
Prepping food- Friday night
Floors- Saturday morning

So Wednesday night while my husband was in class, I did one of my least favorite things and cleaned the bathrooms- yuck!!! But in the process, I found a new cleaning product that I am falling in love with.  Scrubbling Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel.  I started using this product about a month ago because I got it as a freebe with another cleaning product.  It is a gel stick that you place on the side of the toilet to help keep you bathrooms clean between cleanings.  I a couple weeks ago and was amazed with the results- and it smells nice
Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, Citrus Scent, Discs, 6 Gel
Thursday night-  I put together our dinning room table while my hubby cooked dinner.  So how do you set a dinning room table.  Her are some pictures below for guidance.

We then headed of to Wegmans for a big run since it was time to do our regular grocery shopping and needed stuff for the dinner.  Finally, I dusted last night before I went to bed.   BUSY DAY
Friday, I prepped the food, cleaned the veggies, made a couple sauces I am going to need etc.

So on Saturday all we had to do was make the food which was quite easy since we picked easy recipes.
We had a spinach cranberry salad with a blush wine salad dressing for a started.
The main course consisted of Scallops with a mango mushroom risotto with a  side of brussel sprouts.

What a Saturday!!!

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