Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yellow it is....

We had our Ultrasound today which by all means was pretty cool.
Seeing bug move like crazy.
Any does Bug move- so much that the ultrasound tech was having fun!
Finding out everything was normal and going as planned.
I left out a deep sign of relief.
I know too much sometimes for my own good to the point I have tried so hard to normalize everything but when you work in high risk OB this is hard to do.
After all- all Joe and I would like is a healthy baby!

It is amazing to me that every time I have an Ultrasound I get a little teary- particularly because I do not consider myself emotional at all.  
Bug was not something I even thought I wanted but I totally love bug and you are not even here yet.  

Since we have known the sex, I find it funny that many major wonderful life changes in my life has been caused by the same gender.

I became a sister when I was 5 years old to a little brother and I could have not asked for a better brother.

I became a wife after meeting a man who amazes me every day and continues to support me in all of my decisions.

I became a puppy mommy to the cutiest little puppy ever who has taught me so much about being happy and about letting go!  

All these men changes my life is amazing ways......
Which is why bug- I know you will too.
You will forever and always be
Our little boy!

I am destined to be surrounded by loving men...
Which is not a bad thing!

Totally love that Clemson is in the background of this one!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy 21+ weeks!

Hi Bug

Sorry both your Ultrasound appointment and your prenatal appointment got canceled this week due to Hurricane Sandy so I thought I would still write my entry even though your next prenatal appointment I could not get until almost 23 weeks.  

Second trimester- I have loved you.  

Nausea and Vomitting
Stopped around 17-18 weeks and I have not looked back. 
Still have a weird appetite- craving fruit and small meals.
Still hating anything meat =0(

I have really absolutely no complaints expect I have noticed I get tired more easy and it can hit me out of no where.  One minute I will be going full Laura speed and then then next I am crashing. 

 Fetal Movement
I have started to feel you move every day which I totally love and can't wait until Joe can feel you kick.  You are going to be strong I can tell =0)
Hopefully this means you will be strong physically and not hard headed like both your father and I.
But only time will tell.    

Pregnancy ....
Still fitting in to my clothes so no complaints in that department either- however, I know one day I am just going to pop and then it will be time for maternity clothes. 

For the record- I heart leggins.
I have decided they were invented by pregnant women!  
I also heart that low rise jeans, bubble shirts, and dresses with leggins are still in style- 
thank you for keeping me in normal closes longer. 

I did order a Bella Band from Amazon for my jeans along with a bra extender which I know I will probably eventually need but hoping that both will help me stay in my normal clothes a little bit longer.  

However... there is a tiny bump!

Tomorrow is hopefully the big day!
(Assuming another hurricane or earthquake or any other natural disasters does not hit the area!)
Ultrasound day!
See you tomorrow bug!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baby 411

Of all the advice I have recieved up to this point- which actually has not been a lot,
(I think people figure since I am a midwife, I should know everything about pregnancy) the best advice was to read Baby 411 by  Denise Fields and Dr Ari Brown.

With two days of nothing but rain rain rain, I thought this would be a great time to dive into the book.   
So while I do not feel like I learned a tremendous amount from this book I did learn a little particularly sleeping and eating habits that I really am not the most up to date on.  
I did like how the book broke things down for you in an easy reading fashion.  
I could have done with out a couple of the sections particularly the Common Diseases and Common Infections but all in all it was a pretty good book.  

I do wish they would have dived into a little bit more about 
Alternative Vaccination Schedules but this is something I will just have to research on my own, 
and to be honest I already have it at work but it would be nice for mother's who are not in the medical field and do not have time to research but are interested in alternatives.  

I also liked how they reviewed the most popular books on Baby's Sleeping. 
I have found that one mistake new mom's make is they read every sleeping book on the block and then have so much information that they are overwhelmed.  
I kind of already knew what book I was interested in but this helped to reaffirm my thoughts and also let me know about the other books/methods out there.  
Fortunately, I was going to borrow this from a friend when my patient told me she had an extra one because she had recieved two as baby gifts. 
Score one for me!  
This is definitely a book that I will like to have around the house for easy reference- 
both for me and Joe.   
This is a book that if I had to pay for - I would in a heartbeat.
Totally worth having!
 I highlighted sections that I felt I would use the most and tabbed them for easy reference.

Even easy to read for Dad...

Guess now eventually it will be on to readying my book about Baby Sleep....

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rain Rain Rain

Rain Rain Rain Go Away.....
So it's offical- they called to cancel my Ultrasound for today due to the weather.
Which to be honest is for the best, as driving to Loudoun in the pour rain/wind is not on my list of things to do while I am pregnant. 
It was rescheduled for Thursday so hopefully another natural event won't take place again.

Happy Rainy Day

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pink or Blue?

As I sit in beautiful St Augustine Florida sipping on my Coke Zero, which at the moment is my splurge,  I am thinking tomorrow about our Ultrasound.  
I have been asked non-stop the last three weeks- pink or blue.
My response of course is Yellow and Gray.
Because I really as long as it is a healthy baby- Joe and I are over the moon.
This journey has been so wonderful so far, and we are so lucky!

Yeap tomorrow is the Big Day!
We will be getting our 20 week Ultrasound. 
Yes I will be technically 21 weeks but it was the only day I could arrange it without taking off of work.

If you know me, I hate waiting!
So lucky for us a co- worker scanned me at work, placed what we were having in an envelop and sealed it up for me and Joe to open if we felt the need.  At first we thought, maybe we wont find out the sex, after all it really does not change anything for us.  But having the envelop was just too much temptation.

So two weekends ago, while sitting down reading the paper and having breakfast on Sunday, we opened our envelop.  We are so excited to know what bug is.  
It totally makes it more real for me especially since we already have names picked out.  

However, we decided to wait to our official ultrasound to release bug's sex to the rest of the world.  

Why you might ask? 
Well first of all being a midwife I know that the 20 week Ultrasound involves so much besides the sex.  
They look at the brain, heart, everything- and a healthy baby is really all Joe and I could hope for. 
Also, it has been kind of a bonding experience for us knowing the sex two weeks before everyone else.

So tomorrow will be the day (hopefully permitting my appointment is not canceled due to Sandy!) that we will find out what bug will be.
All I hope is for a healthy baby and that our appointment is not canceled!

Stay tuned......