8 Months
Thank you Jesus- you are back to being Collin.
The day after I took you into the pediatricians office just to make sure you did not have like a subacute ear infection or something going on, you decided to be our little “Champion” again.
THANK YOU!!!!! Your father and I appreciate it.
You are still continuing to grow like crazy. I currently have you in 12 months clothing.
When I took you into the pediatricians office you were roughly 21 pounds.
You will get an official measurement around 9 months in December.
You are sleeping now from around 7 pm till around 6-7:30 am.
Your naps are rocking!!! 2 hours in the morning and then 1-2 hours in the afternoon.
This is giving me more time to get other things done since now you are official mobile and I can’t take my eyes of of you.
Yeap you are on the move! You are crawling, climbing stairs, pulling yourself up and tonight you pushed your toy car for 3-4 steps on your own. Your teachers at school state you will be walking by Christmas. Personally I just love that you now know that when I leave a room and tell you to follow me you can- you are getting too heavy for me! However, this means I can not leave you for a second now which means that your nap time is so important for me getting anything done.
You are eating three meals a day now- anywhere from 4-8 ounces.
Seriously you can eat!
Your favorite is Plum Purple Carrot and Happy Baby Mango-
We will not be giving you Plum anymore because of a recent recall.
Still on all breastmilk and drinking 20-28 ounces a day, however I am noticing that this is decreasing which inside seriously makes me yell - YES!!!!! (As this is one more sign that I can stop pumping soon!)
We have started giving you cheerios and puffs and slowly starting to get small amounts of table food. You have still not perfected the pincher grasp but it will come in time.
You love to read!
You will sit down with me and have story time for 20-30 minutes three or four times a day.
This is one of my new favorite times we share.
You have become quite the talker at times. I think this because you have been moved up to the next room in school where you are the youngest. You love to say “Mama” all the time… which totally makes your dad upset. When we were at the cabin I actually think you said Mama and meant it.
You now know your signs- meaning if I do the sign for milk you will start making a noise if you are hungry, and the sign for “more” as well. You can’t sign back yet but I am hoping that will come soon.
You absolutely are in love with Clemson and now like to chase him around the house- if Clemson only shared in that love.
You have started your baby swim class and I kind of feel you are indifferent about it but you are already kicking on your stomach and back. We went under last week and while you did not like it, you did not cry.
This month was a busy month…
With our trip to Clemson….
Our first little cold…. (It was bound to happen!)
Yes despite your cold you were still a rock star!
Our First Halloween…..
Our first trip to the Cabin in NC with Granny and Grampy
All in all it was a really good month...
Next up Thanksgiving!