Monday, September 17, 2012

Chicken Seasame Noodles

 This recipe is a family recipe that was handed down from Joe's side of the family.  
I had purchased most of the ingredients back in August when I had even intention of making it for a concert we were going to.  Unfortunately, it did not happen due to the food aversion of meat or even cooking at that point.

So I decided this week to make the recipe because I knew we could eat off of it over the next week, which in turn is going to be busy for Joe since he is working on a big research paper.  


3T sesame seeds
1lb of very thing spaghetti cooked and rinsed in cold water
2 whole chicken breast (4 havles) boiled 30 minutes, coold and shredded by hand
(I actually had to shred some by knife.)
1 cumcumber, sliced thin.  Salt heavily, let them sit, and then rinse and squeeze dry
1 lb bean sproats
3-4 stalks green onions, finely chopped
2 cups raw cashews

Mix together and pour dressing (recipe follows) over top:

4 T soy sauce
3 T sesame Oil
2 T vegetable Oil
6 tsp sugar
2tsp salt
4 T rice vinegar.

Mix together and chill.
Prior to severing mix again as some of the dressing settles to the bottom.
Great dish for cookouts or large groups!

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