This post is kind of bitter sweet because it means as you are growing my time with you at home is dwindling down. Yes I am a little excited to go back to work but I also am nervous as every mom probably is because we you have been mine all mine for the last three months and now some one else aka- not me- has to take care of you! You will be just fine and so will I but it will be interesting!
Your 2-3 months has been an interesting one as you have been all over the place with eating and sleeping. Some nights you sleep 12 hours and some nights only 6, but for the most part you are sleeping 8-9. I am not complaining at all but a little consistency would be great- especially since I am going back to work. The last week you have started to become difficult to put to bed- I am hoping this is a phase that you are going thru but if not the Ferber Method will be started at 4 months!
Hopefully this will not be needed but time will only tell.
Your eating is also all over the place from any where from 32 ounces to 42 ounces- some days you are so hungry and then some days you are not that interested. I think you have discovered your tongue and love to play with your bottle which is cute but kind of annoying when we are trying to feed you.
You are still a pretty happy baby- though we did have one of your worst days ever three days before your 3 month birthday. You screamed and screamed- not fun! I do not know how people with babies with Colic do it! I think you were just tired and once I got you to take naps you were great the next day.
You are starting to play more and use your hands- you can know hold your giraffe and your rattle and you love everything with colors and sounds. You have discovered how to put your hand in your mouth and now that is your favorite thing to do- I especially like when you try to put both hands in your mouth.
You had your real first laugh this month.
You are rolling over more! Stomach to back- no back to stomach yet!
You constantly want to be standing obviously with our assistance.
You are looking around all the time now.
You love your swing and so far hate the bumbo- maybe this will grow on you....
You are loving the exersaucer that is on loan
You are loving the exersaucer that is on loan
Weight 14 pounds 15 ounces (70%)
Height 25 1/2 inches (85%)- did not get this from me
Height 25 1/2 inches (85%)- did not get this from me
Head- 16.5 inches (50%)
New activies that you did this month
First trip to Costco
Your Baptism
Your 1st time meeting your Uncle G
Your first Roll over
Your 1st Bouncing Babies at the Library
Your first road trip to UVA
Your First Sleep Over with Granny and Grampy D
Things to come in the next Month-
Mommy going back to work
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