Sunday, August 7, 2011

Running thru Life.... a New Favorite Drink

Lately because of an weird allergy I have had to swear of ciders. 
This truly stinks because for may reasons:
1) I am not a beer drinker of any kind
2) This weird allergy is also limited what types of wine I can drink
3) Liquor and me are not the best of friends.  Rum seems to like me- but that is it.  

Lately it has been mojitos- but that is often hard to get or make.
I went out to dinner and one of my co-workers suggest I try
St. Louis Framboise 4.5% Lambic

I said ok.......
Moments later I was in love!!!
It was a beer but it was fruity!
So in love that I drove right home and went to Wegmans to investigate.
My co-worked advised me that Trader Joe also carries it but I was not in the mood for that long of drive.  

Happy New Drink to Laura!!!

1 comment:

  1. I received this as a gift a few years ago from a coworker, it is SOOO good!
