Thursday, July 14, 2011

Running Thru Life.... New Dog Toys

I have been very lucky at HomeGoods when it comes to dog stuff for Clemson.

I purchased his two dog beds there for both under $25 dollars each.
One is in our bedroom and one is on the main level.
Which is a steal when you compare it to PetsMart!

Then I got lucky and found a dog toy basket on clearance- so I paid like maybe $4 for it.
It has paid for itself. 
I keep it on the main level to keep Clemson dog toys in.
Just one more way to help keep the house clean.
The other day he actually put one of his toys away.... one can dream!!!

Last weekend, Joe and I walked into HomeGoods to look at some mirrors for redoing the bathroom and decided to look for a pineapple peeler (which we did not find) but on our way over we were struck with the fact that the pet section has been expanded. 
So Joe and I just looked and were pleasantly suprised.

We had not purchased any toys for Clemson since Christmas because up to this point he had enough.
However, we are down to about 4 total so we decided he needed a new one.  
Buying dog toys for Clemson is not easy because he can eat thru probably 3/4ths of them in about 5 minutes. 
We have found a brand that seems to last -
JW Dog toys.
Right now he has these two at home which he loves.
They are tough and very hard to bite thru.

The JW brand always has this picture on it.

So while in HomeGoods we came along some JW toys.
At 3.99 normally 7-10$ we jumped and puchased 2.
We gave him the yellow ball that makes a whistling noise yesterday but will will save the other one until a little bit later.

So I offically love HomeGood even more now because it has illimated multiple stores for me:
1) Micheals
2) PetsMart for dog toys
3) Bed Bath and Beyond
4) Macys Home Section

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