Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Running thru life... Goodbye Netbook, Hello Ipad

More than a year and a half ago I purchased a netbook because my labtop died after using it all thru college and gradschool. 
It was good to me! 
So Joe and I started to look at something to replace it. 
I did not want anything fancy since all I really did was internet, bills,  finances,  occassionally some work stuff, music and picture editing. 
I really did not want to spend 700+ at the time especially because Joe was going to have to buy a new computer for school and his computer needed to be loaded with special things because of what he uses it for with running programs, etc. 
At the time I settled for a netbook. 
It seemed a good solution. 
We did the research and even played with one at the stores. 
Dell had good ratings and  I got a discount as a government worker so we ordered one- about $300.

I did love it at first. 
It was small and easy to carry around. 
However, it was slow and I could not do more than one thing at a time- like up load itunes and surf the web.
This drove me insane because I love to multitask.
Joe also hated it- often crashed and froze. 
So after almost 1 1/2 years of using it- I told Joe I could not any longer. 
He agreed because he too hated it.

So after a long discussion we decided two things:
1) I would get a small labtop/tablet that we both would use for main things
2) Joe mega computer would stay in our guest room and he would rework the computer so we both had individual accounts.  This would be in a sense our desktop even though it is a huge labtop!

Joe and I started to look at tablets and were sold on the Ipad. 
We played with a couple of our friends and ordered while we were in Greece. 
It arrived just in time for my birthday!!!

So over the last week Joe has been helping me move everything on my netbook either to my Ipad or our common computer.   After the netbook is clear I have every intention of selling it on Craigslist as I hate it!!!  URRRRRR!

As for the Ipad- I am in love. 
I am still learning to use it but just last night I organized all my picasa photos, uploaded all my spreadsheets, uploaded files to DropBox.  I just need to figure out how to make it more blogging friendly. 
I am planning on taking a class to help me learn the Ipad better.  Apple offers free classes so I decided this is something I should do just to give myself more knowlege.  I am good with computers but not amazing. 
I will let you know how my first class goes which I have next week. 

Any suggestion on Apps?

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