Thursday, March 17, 2011

Running thru life... Sometimes it pays to be a nurse

So Sometimes it pays to be a nurse....

Yesterday, I went to my get my hair highlighted and colored. 
It had been almost 5 months and it was starting to bother me. 
So after work yesterday, I took an afternoon off from running and
changed from my scrubs into a jeans/shirt with my dansko clogs. 

Let me start by saying I LOVE MY DANSKOS. 
Yes they are expensive coming in at anywhere from (100 to 140$)
but I rationalize them like this - I bought a pair in 2004 when i
graduated from nursing school and I just got rid of that pair in 2011
because they finally got a whole in them. 
So that is 7 years of wear- $15-20 a year. 
Totally worth is since I am on my feet all day. 
Here is a picture of the Dansko I was sporting yesterday. 

I have even convience a couple of my friends to
purchase a pair and they will never go back.

So I was the salon yesterday, Jon David Salon,
(a salon in Springfield VA that has been rated one of
the Top Salons in NOVA Magazine for atleast 5 years)
which I can tell by the fact that it is hard to get an
appointment with my stylist David (the owner) and it is always busy. 
But I am always treated well. 

My stylist, David, was cutting my hair and he said, "I love your shoes." 
Keep in mind this is a married man with three or four children. 
I quickly said thanks and stated that they are my nursing shoes. 
When I went to check out, David gave me a 20 % discount and thanked me for being a nurse. 
I almost had a heart attack!!!  What a nice supprise!

So happy nurses day to me!!!!


  1. im guessing they don't give discounts to engineers who design and install weapons systems do they?

  2. Awesome! You should check out for Danskos. I've seen them as low as $50
