2) De-stressing- I do think that is a word- but to be honest it is the reason I run. I run by myself (which some may find funny)- but it is my time for me to reflect, de-stress, and process life. I live in the DC metro area which is a crazy place to live- people do not know how to sit still and we are always moving, trying to be better, etc. So running is my way of de-stressing DC.

Today people pay tons of money to help us relax- whether it is on a fancy pedicure, a nice night out with your friends, a pair of Uggs- we spend money- so why don't we do something that is free and reduces stress.
I could quote many medical journals that go on and on about the benefits of exercising...one of them being decreasing you stress levels. Below is a chart of what stress does to the different organ systems of our bodies.

So get off your butt and decrease you stress in your life!!!!!!!
Being a midwife I have to bring up this point...
3) It has so many medical benefits. People who run have been shown to have less risk of diabetes, chronic hypertension, gout, depression, etc (Just to name a few). Below is a nice chart which reviews how important it is for us to exercise!!!

We are given 1 body... and I am going to do the best I can to take care of it!!
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