Thursday, January 27, 2011

Running Thru Life- Managing my Reading

Managing my Reading... I am taking a day away from running because last night it snowed and I got to do one of my favorite things.  READ!!!

So I love to read....I know I am weird.  People find it amazing that I only watch about 4- 6 hour of tv a week and that is normally when I am running.  A couple months ago, I started reading 15-30 minutes before bed and found that it helps me fall to sleep.  Most nights I read a book for enjoyment, but on Thursday nights, I try to either read a book/article related to obstetrics/midwifery. 

Here are the books on my night stand- you will notice the variety...

Mythology by Edith Hamilton-   We are going to Greece in the upcoming year.  I want to be well versed in my Greek Mythology.  It is divided up in to short little chapters about different gods/beings.  I read 1 or 2 a week.

More Greece books-  Top 10 Athens and the Greek Islands.  I read these with my hubby when we actually get in bed at the same time... now that he is in school that will not happen that often.

Orgasmic Birth- Yes I am a midwife and this is an OK book.  I am about half way thru and try to read a chapter every night on Thursdays.

Women Running which was a Christmas Present last year from my sister-in-law.  I actually have already read this, but now that I am training for my half marathon- I am using it as a guide.  I like it because there are work plans, nutritional information pertaining to woman, etc. 

"My Life in Paris" by Julia Childs- Just finished last night.  Very interesting about Paris and cooking while in Paris.

My Summer of Southern Discomfort by Stephanie Gayle-   I picked this up at a discount book store.  I lived in the South for a while and had a hard time adjusting so I felt I might be able to relate to this book.  I have not started reading it yet.

Prodigal Summer- given to me on loan by my sister in law.

The Thirtheenth Tale- also on loan by my sister in law.

Finally, the Help.  I have actually already read this but I am going to read it again because it will be the topic book at a book club I am attending in March.  

I just finished The Other Boleyn Girl- which was awesome and a fast read.  It is now in my other room- in the "Books already read shelves."

My favorite author currently- is not represented in this pile because unfortunately  I have read all of her books and am waiting for her next book to come out in March.  Jodi Picoult.  I have every single one of her books....!!!

So my secret to reading-  Do not spend a lot of money.  I am fortunate to have family to exchange books with, or will find books at Costco for real cheap, or get them as gifts.  I have thought about a kindle but am not sold on the idea yet probably because I do borrow so many of my books. 

Happy Reading.

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