Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Breaking it down...

14.5 weeks was when it hit me!
I kind of felt like Miranda on Sex and the City when everyone is excited about her pregnancy and she is just kind of pregnant and did not get what all the fuss was about .  
I was pregnant and everything up to this point was going fine.
We had told our family and our friends. 
I had just work left to tell. 

So on an average Thursday night while sitting in traffic I starting crying.
Because I was pregnant and was going to be a mom!
It finally hit me- because seeing the stick turn or seeing the baby move on the Ultrasound did not do it.  Don't get me wrong, I was excited but it still did not make it real. 
But telling people did- this was real.  
Hopefully if everything went well, we would have our little bug in March.  

I got home and just cried and cried to my husband.
This was weird because I am not an emotional one at all. 
Thank you from inheriting that from my mother!

I cried about the changes that were going to happen,
the decisions that I had to make as a woman and would ultimately be judged for them,
the worry I already had.....
Not because I was unhappy but because it hit me that I had to start processing all of this
which I had been putting off!

And after about 15 minutes, I was fine!
I just need to air everything out.

I am going to be a pregnant woman and hopefully soon a mom!
It only took 14.5 weeks to hit me.

Of course my loving husband asked two day later if I wrote about my breakdown in my baby journal.
"You might want to record that..."
Got to love him.

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