Saturday, March 31, 2012

Goodbye March!

Today is the last day of March-
Can I get an Amen!

I am so happy to be moving on to the next month!
Joe and I was sitting in bed last night, talking and we both stated how happy we were that March was over!
While March was a good month (Hubby Birthday, spending time with family),
March also had some not so good points (the passing of my godmother, the car accident, work/life stuff for both myself and my hubby).

I find it ironic that on April 1st, the first day in April, I will be running a 10 miler.
The Cherry Blossom 10 miler of course!

I totally love this race and am looking forward to it. 
Some people deal with stress/grief/life events in all different sort of ways...

My way.... Running!
(Let me tell you how hard it was not to run for two weeks after my accident! )

So while I am running tomorrow...
Not looking at the Cherry Blossoms because they have already come and gone  =0(
I will be saying goodbye March and hello to April - a new month and a new day! 

Happy Running and Happy April!

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