Monday, April 25, 2011

Running thru life... Flowers are a must

While I have been awaiting the finish of our patio so I can start planting in our backyard and start organizing, I decided to work on planting on our deck and in the front of our house.

(FYI the patio is still not done- if it is not done by the time I get home today- I might lose it! 
However, the owner promised me it would be... but that is also what he said about Saturday and Sunday. 
Anyway- deep cleansing breathe!)

So I headed to Merrifield and Home Depot. 
To be honest I never not have much luck at home depot.  But it is a good place to get basics and filler plants.
Merrifield I love- even though it is some times a little bit more expensive I find the flowers last longer and are tend to be more healthy. 

So here are some additions to our deck.
Lovely hanging plant.
I purchased this at home depot.  Was on special. 

Couple small little plants. 
All purchased at Merrifield. 
The pot that has nothing in it is where I planted basil and mint seeds.  We will see if anything shows up. 
If not I might have to just buy a actually basil plant.  We already have two mint plants. 
My husband and I got thru A LOT of mint during the summer making mojitos!!!

For the deck I tried to find plants that do well in the sun or part sun.  Our deck gets a decent amount of sun.
For our frontyard I only purchased flowers/plants that were full sun.  Our front yard get some much sun that even the full sun plants sometimes have a hard time.  However, thanks to the recommendation from a consultant at Merrifield Last year we had sucess

A picture from last year of our front yard- planted all the same flowers this year however, we have an additional hydrangea thanks to one of our neighbors. 

Overall our deck and front yard are done and I am happy with that. 
The next project will be getting the backyard ready once the patio is done. 
Happy Planting....

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