Sunday, February 13, 2011

Running thru life while decorating a home

We have lived in our house for 3 + years now.  When we first moved in we had very little furniture- a couch, a bed, a kitchen table, and a tv.  Over the past three years, we have gradually accumulated stuff and also used craigslist to help get rid of stuff.  I have done this gradually for two reasons  1) I wait till I find what I want or like before making a purchase- it makes no sense to buy something you are Ok with.  2) Economic stand point- much better to spread the purchases out. 

Finally, our house is starting to look like a home.  However, I have a couple items which we still need. 
One being a book shelf for our basement.  I have been looking for one that goes with the decor we already have done there and did not want to pay an arm and a leg.  My search started about 4-5 months ago, but everything I found was just too expensive.  So I put my search off for a while and decided to work on cleansing the house of items that we did not need and I could get rid of on craigslist. 

In the mean time, I started to clean out the back room in our basement because I am going to make it in to my workout room.  Right now it is set up as an office- but we moved all the office stuff upstairs.  So I had a yucky old bookshelf and a desk that I need to get rid off.  I ended up selling the really old bookshelf that does not really fit anywhere in our house (I used it in college and grad school) on craigslist two months ago.  So I put the money in an envelop for a rainy day. 

That rainy day came last Sunday.  After my run that morning, I sat down to read the Sunday paper.  This is something Joe and I try to do every Sunday morning together.  While looking through the adds, I spotted a bookshelf that would work perfectly at target.  So I went and got my craigslist money along with a small gift card that I got for Christmas and head out to Target.  I went in-searched- and conquered. 

After about 30 minutes of assembly time (and no money spent on my part!!!) we have a new addition to the basement. 

I added some accents to it to help it fit.   What do you think? 
Just goes to show you that patience is worth it.... in everything you do. 

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