After my epidural, my midwife let me sleep for a couple hours, and when she next checked me the balloon was ready to come out and I was 5-6. Great I was thinking- but I also knew that I was not in real labor yet. She decided to break my water, to help the process along. My cervix had been manually dilated so we still needed to get me in labor, so the nurse continue to up the pitocin while I slept!
After 3 hours Paula checked me again and I was still 5-6, I will be honest in saying I was bummed. She decided to put in an Internal Pressure Catheter so they could play with the pitocin more. She told me not to worry and to go back to sleep. So at 8 pm she came to check me again and I remember looking at Joe and tell him- "If I have not changed, we need to be mentally prepared for a Cesarean Section." He asked if I was ok with this and I answered in true Zen Laura facing- "It is what it is, he is going to come the way he wants to." So I almost cried when she said I was 9 cm and +1 station. I was so happy. She stated she would give me another hour and then hopefully we would start pushing. So at 0930 I was fully dilated and ready to push. However, at this point my contractions were only 7 minutes and I was on the maximum dose of pitocin so they could not get my contractions any closer together. But Joe figured it out- I pushed about 15 sets and he was here!!!!
March 6, 2013 at 1149
7 pounds 10.2 ounces- which Paula's first comment was "Where did you hide him?"
20 1/2 inches long
I started crying as soon as Paula put him my chest. The emotions are nothing that I can ever describe. Joe and I were crying and so happy.
Of course he grabbed my finger which just melted my heart!!!
Joe cut the cord and we bonded with Collin.

This is actually when the fun started.
I started hemorrhaging - aka bleeding large amounts.
Paula started giving me different medications to help my uterus clamp down, starting pushing fluids. I of course knew what was going on but I think Joe was a little clueless. It lasted about 15 + minutes, with a blood loss of 1000ml. I can honestly say I felt terrible, I could not sit up, I felt faint- not fun.
At this point, I could not even hold Collin, so Joe went with him when he received his bath and Vitamin K injections.
After the bleeding was under control, we were able to get a picture of Collin and Paula, my awesome midwife. Both Joe and I were amazed by how calm she was and also how she was so informative of the plan in her head. Joe and I have no doubt that if I had delivered with a doctor, I would have had a Cesarean Section- after 33 hours + in labor, only a midwife delivery.
We called our parents around 2 am in the morning once the bleeding had stopped, Collin had received his bath, we had had some bonding time, etc.
We moved to the postpartum room around 3 am. Because I had lost so much blood they placed a foley and made me stay in bed for at least 12 hour which was not fun. The next morning, I looked like the marsh mellow puff woman because of the Pre- Eclampsia and all of the medications/fluids they had to give me because of the blood loss. They kept monitoring my Pre- eclampsia labs and my blood count, and went back and forth about giving me a blood transfusion. In the end they decided a blood transfusion was not necessary unless I really wanted one.
After two days my pressures were ok and my labs were stable- not getting worse.
So they sent me home.
If I only knew that I would be back in a couple days....
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