Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Running thru life...I have a LOFT Problem

It is official- I have a LOFT problem.
Ann Taylor LOFT that is...

I often get frustrated shopping as many women do- because very few women have the "perfect body".
Perfect body in the sense tall and thin defined by the fashion world.
I like that we are all different shapes and sizes... we as women would be boring if we were not!!!!

So I am short!  Thank you parent's genes. 
For this reason- it is hard for me to find dresses, shirts, pants, and even shirts. 
This is why I love the Loft. 

I can walk in there- know my size and walk out. 
So this week I walked it... and walked out with 5 pieces of clothing!!
Yes I know... I never buy this much.
But I actually narrowed down from the 8 pieces of clothing that looked great.  

I purchased a blazer to wear with jeans or with slacks, a pair of dress jeans/slacks, a shirt for our trip to Greece which is airy and light weight, a light spring sweater, and a basic black shirt to go with anything.

I also love the Loft because things are either always on Sale or there is always a coupon.

This week they are having the 30 % off everything.  Which makes a big difference espeically when I am buying 5 pieces of clothing.

So if you need a couple new looks for Spring check out the Loft and save 30 % this week!!

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